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'Madame Ong' Changgeuk performance

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'Madame Ong' Changgeuk performance
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
And now it's time for a look at the arts and culture scene‚ and for that let's bring in our Yim Yoonhee to talk about a new traditional Korean performance.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon.
I hear this performance is based on the pansori folktale called "Byeongangsoe" which has a reputation for being an "adult folktale."
Good afternoon. You're absolutely right.
This particular Pansori just couldn't shake its image of being explicit‚ and because of that‚ was neglected‚ and not performed as frequently as the others.
The director created a "Changgeuk‚" or traditional Korean opera based on this Pansori‚ and he said he wanted to recreate the character‚ Ongyneo‚ or Madame Ong‚ through this piece.
Take a look.
Something's wrong with the town Casanova Byeongangsoe .
He seems to have succumb to something‚ but what?
Maybe he's become just another victim of his wife Ongnyo ‚ a woman who was exiled from her previous village‚ after each one of her past husband's mysteriously died.
When the two first met‚ they thought it was a match made in heaven‚ Byeongangsoe was supposed to the one man who could keep up with Ongnyo's sexual prowess.
But after angering some magical totems‚ he drops dead as well‚ and Ongnyo vows to change their fate.
The story of these traditional fable characters comes together on the stage‚ for the National Changgeuk Company of Korea's latest endeavor‚ a work that reinvents one of the most mistunderstood of Pansoris.
"With this performance‚ the words are written very cleverly‚ to create a sexy comedy‚ and the choreography isn't overdone‚ but at the same time everyone knows what's going on.
This time Ongnyeo is much more aggressive than in past versions‚ even the songs empower her."
It's a traditional Korean opera‚ rich in history‚ but this changgeuk takes on a modern approach.
These totems‚ something usually meant to be stationary wooden objects‚ are brought to life on this stage.
And as sound is the most important aspect of a changgeuk‚ they aren't quiet‚ they're not even shy when it comes to singing about how sexy Ongnyo is.
The performance brings years of Korea's history and culture to the stage‚ and sheds light on the lives of the ordinary people of the time period‚ people who worked‚ loved‚ and lived together.
"This isn't just about showing something sexual. These day's everything on the internet and TV is so lewd‚.. so I wanted to show the life and love of ordinary people. Don't ever stop loving."
Ongnyo is determined to bring back her husband in this new twist to an old tale.
Whether or not she will succeed in changing her fate is yet to be seen‚ but it will surely be heard in the voices and songs of this performance.
Since it's an adult folktale‚ is there an age restriction?
Yes‚ as a matter of fact this is the first performance rated 18 and older in the history of the National Changgeuk Company of Korea.
Here in Korea‚ "Byeongangsoe" is not a new character.
He's infamous for his casanova ways.
But I've heard that the original Pansori this performance is based on is actually all about this "Byeongangsoe" character.
That's true.
But the director said he felt the true star of this story was "Ongnyeo‚" which is why he wanted to create this performance‚ to give "Ongnyeo" a new reputation.
For so long‚ she's just been regarded as a very promiscuous woman‚ but he said he wanted to point out her strength and strong will.
It seems like the National Changgeuk Company of Korea is attempting to revive Pansori.
What other peformances are they offering?
Yes‚ this performance is in fact the third of the National Changgeuk Company’s seven-part series‚ which adapts existing wor
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