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Korean Nuclear Experts Give Recommendations on New Safety Watchdog

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Korean Nuclear Experts Give Recommendations on New Safety Watchdog
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Following the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant crisis in Japan a few months ago‚ nuclear safety has become an important issue here in Korea.
With 21 nuclear power reactors operating across the country‚ the National Assembly drafted a bill to establish a new independent supervising body for nuclear safety.
On Tuesday‚ a meeting with five leading Korean nuclear experts to discuss the monitoring body's organizational structures and mandates was held at the National Assembly.
Under the current bill‚ the monitoring body is to be separated from the science and technology ministry and consist of about seven to nine experts who will be appointed for a five-year term.
And the writer of the legislation‚ Assemblyman Chung Doo-un‚ stressed the necessity of the new watchdog.
[Interview : Chung Doo-un‚ Lawmaker
Grand National Party] "In Korea‚ the nuclear safety issues were administered by the same agency promoting nuclear power generation. Thankfully‚ we did not have a big nuclear problem‚ but our neighbor Japan did. So‚ this is our chance to strengthen the system and separate the safety regulators and promoters of nuclear power. And two years ago‚ I wrote a bill for the separation and it was approved by the concerned committee this month."
The experts said the term of appointment should be longer and a mechanism to communicate with the public in plain language‚ rather than scientific jargon‚ to gain the trust and understanding of the people should be put in place.
With bipartisan support‚ the bill has been approved by the science and technology committee and is awaiting approval from the general session‚ likely on Wednesday or Thursday.
[Reporter : Kang Seok-ho ed:mark
kangsh@arirang.co.kr] "Once the legislation passes the National Assembly in the June session‚ the monitoring body could be established and become operational by September this year.
Kang Seok-ho‚ Arirang News."
Reporter : kangsh@arirangtv.com
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