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(7)The New Horizon Back in Korea After 30 Years

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(7)The New Horizon Back in Korea After 30 Years
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Basking in the spotlight of a stage in a small church in eastern Seoul these men are singing and playing Korean and English pop oldies favorites to this day taking the audience back in time.
But it's not just the listeners who are flooded with nostalgic memories.
The performers have plenty to reminisce about as well. After 34 years the band called New Horizon has returned to Korea.
[Interview : Brook Richan Missionary] "In 1974 we were missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints back then we formed a group‚ five of us‚ that went all over Korea singing and dancing‚ one of the members does an Indian dance a hoop dance and our purpose was to help introduce the name of the church to people in Korea."
When New Horizon was formed the band members were in their 20s and far away from their homes back in America. They performed thousands of concerts around the country from 1974 through 1977 even appearing on TV and radio‚ recording five albums and performing before former US President Gerald Ford who visited Seoul.
They were quite a sensation back then at a time when few foreigners spoke Korean let alone singing in that language too. This time they are holding seven concerts taking place all over Korea through early November. Their hair may have turned white but they still seem to captivate Korean audiences.
[Interview : Bae Mooncheol English teacher] "It was a sentimental experience to listen to those old pop songs."
For some of the missionaries this is their first time they've come back to Korea.
The country they remember was filled with small streets lined with street merchants selling snacks on wooden carts.
What strikes them about Korea today is how much the country has developed.
As one example they say it took over 14 hours to travel from the capital Seoul to the southern port city of Busan back then. Now the trip takes just three hours by bullet train.
[Interview : Clyde Robins Missionary] "Before the trains were slow and highways were not good. But we rode the train to Busan very comfortably‚ very nice. The thing I am impressed about Korea is the people. I remember the people were always kind to us‚ generous‚ nice pleasant and that has not changed. So‚ after being away for 33 years‚ it's been very enjoyable experience to come back and reunite with the Korean people who we loved so much back 34 years ago."
Kim Nari‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : narikim@arirang.co.kr
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