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Govt. Promotes Use of I-Pin

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Govt. Promotes Use of I-Pin
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Korea is one of the world's most-WIRED countries.
But this has created its OWN share of headaches and IDENTITY theft in cyberspace is one of them.
Now the government is seeking to prevent such offenses by promoting the use of Internet-specific IDs for users.
Sung Taekyung tells us what the plan is like.
For some time‚ Korean websites have been widely criticized for requiring too much information to access the sites.
Be it a government registration number or marital status‚ giving away too much information has led to personal information being hacked and leaked out into cyberspace.
And in recent days‚ Internet sites with millions of users registered‚ such as belonging to Auction and LG Telecom were found to have been hacked frightening those who have accessed the sites.
A lot of cyber users were also furious to hear of police findings that some big name companies have in fact sold some of their members' personal information collected online to telemarketing companies.
So to improve the country's Internet security environment‚ the Broadcasting and Communications Commission is promoting the use of ''I-Pin‚’’ or Internet Personal Identification Number.
Instead of providing government registration numbers‚ users must type in this I-Pin issued from state-run financial companies after undergoing certain personal identification steps.
But this system is not new.
The idea was first introduced in 2005‚ but with lack of promotion and procedural complications‚ it hasn't caught on.
The commission says only about 160-thousand people have registered to use I-Pin‚ and 120 sites offer it as an alternative to the government ID number.
For those enjoying shopping online‚ this I-Pin system is useless since credit card users must again type in their government number to approve their purchase.
Besides‚ many say they see no difference between the two in that using I-Pin will be just another sensitive government number.
Considering Korea's status as one of the world's most wired nations‚ this is a problem that's not going away any time soon.
Sung Taekyung‚ Arirang News. Reporter : tksung@arirang.co.kr
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