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(06) Around the World 3/7

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(06) Around the World 3/7
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Over in Hanover‚ Germany‚ the world's largest IT fair "CeBIT" is revealing hidden technologies thought up behind closed doors at research facilities around the world.
Korea's Samsung Electronics and Japan's Sharp are in attendence‚ while Microsoft's test version of the new Windows operating system is being unveiled as well.
German automaker Audi will be also present to show off models that offer behind-the-wheel wireless access.
U.S. authorities say a group of five hackers has been arrested after its ringleader pleaded guilty to carrying out cyber attacks on various high-profile companies and institutions.
The underground group LulzSec‚ also known as Lulz Security‚ has taken credit for hacking into the systems of the CIA‚ Britain's Organized Crime Agency‚ Japan's Sony Corporation‚ and Mexican government websites.
Among these members‚ Hector Xavier Monsegur stands out‚ being charged with 12 criminal counts of conspiracy.
His victims include the Websites of PayPal‚ MasterCard‚ and Visa.
For the first time in more than 20 years‚ international flights will be landing in the Somalian capital‚ Mogadishu.
Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister says the country's flagship carrier‚ Turkish Airlines‚ will start a semi-weekly service to the African city.
Until now‚ flights into Mogadishu have been operated by small east African airlines that only carried passengers from neighboring countries.
Turkey's show of support for Somalia is sure to mark a historic day for the war-torn country.
Paying for goods with a mobile phone is becoming increasingly popular.
And the world's biggest mobile show‚ the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona‚ is pushing so-called Near Field Communication technology‚ which allows customers to pay just by swiping their mobile phones against a reader.
Although the technology has already in use in countries like Korea and Japan‚ the uptake in Europe has been slow.
With mobile phones already taking up a sizeable part of our lives‚ the NFC technology indeed promises to revolutionize our day-to-day activities.
Argentine President Cristina Fernandez seems to have grand plans to settle the Falkland Islands' dispute once and for all.
She says a new museum dedicated to the islands will honor Argentine marines who were killed during the Falklands War in 1982.
Fernandez said she hopes the museum will be open by summer 2013‚ and her plan is likely to add fuel to Argentina's intense arguement with Britain over control of the islands and their rich resources.
Park So-jung‚ Arirang News
Reporter : sojungpark@arirang.co.kr
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