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Around the World 07/15 - Morning Edition

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Around the World 07/15 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] Seven days of wild celebrations came to an end in Spain.
It was a week filled with wine‚ daredevil stunts and bulls.
The San Fermin festival attracts thousands of visitors from around the world for a number of reasons.
The festival is believed to be the oldest and most loved fiesta of the country‚ dating back some 13 centuries.
The participants party on for an entire week‚ drenching each other with wine‚ flour and champagne.
The main attraction of the festival is the running of the bulls.
Herds of six bulls and daring participants run wild along the narrow city streets.
The bulls and the gutsy runners are fervently cheered on by the wild crowd as they rush to the bullfighting ring.
In this year's festival‚ only nine participants were injured.
Not a bad record‚ considering the fact that 15 have died because of the bloody festival since 1922.
Over in Vienna‚ Austria‚ a young man named Christian Kandlbauer became the first amputee in the world to be fitted with the most advanced prosthetic arm.
Christian lost both his arms as a result of an electrocution accident‚ and has been working with Otto Bock‚ a medical technology firm‚ for the research and development of his new‚ high-tech left arm.
Using a technique called targeted muscle reinnervation‚ Christian can control his artificial limb using his thoughts‚ and also feel and touch as he could with his real arm.
Electrical impulses from the brain move along the grafted arm nerves in the chest wall‚ and a powerful computer calculates the steering signals for the joint.
The intended movements of the arm are controlled in real time.
The user of this arm must undergo a six-hour long surgery to transplant the nerves‚ and the apparatus must be removed to be recharged.
As soon as this prosthetic limb goes into commercial production‚ more than 10 million amputees around the world could benefit from it.
Paris celebrated Bastille Day‚ a day that marks the anniversary of the storming of the Bastille fortress-prison‚ which is seen as a symbol of the uprising of the modern nation.
The parade was attended by President Nicolas Sarkozy and leaders of several African nations that won independence from France 50 years ago.
Some 400 soldiers from all the participating nations including the French Foreign Legion‚ the army‚ navy and air force marched‚ played music and saluted the dignitaries during the parade.
A squadron of jets soared across the sky to draw the French flag using colored smoke.
Although a near tropical downpour thoroughly soaked the soldiers and ultimately forced the parade to end early‚ it could not dampen their spirits.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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