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Around the World 05/19 - Morning Edition

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Around the World 05/19 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] Skydivers are always looking for something to top the ultimate aerial adventure.
In an annual event held above the highest mountain in the world‚ they found just what they're looking for.
For the third year‚ adrenaline junkies from around the world gathered to experience freefall from the highest drop zone in the world.
They first travel to Syangboche Airport‚ Nepal‚ which is located 3-thousand 9-hundred meters above sea level‚ and then fly up further to an altitude of 8-thousand 9-hundred and ninety nine meters‚ which is higher than the peak of Mount Everest for the experience.
The annual event attracted 11 participants from 6 different countries.
When taking a leap from this dizzying height‚ one gets to enjoy a breathtaking sight of Mount Everest and several other peaks lying below while free falling for a few seconds before pulling their rip cord.
Although one has to endure harsh and extreme environments including the blistering cold before taking the great leap‚ this highly challenging and intricate sport is constantly winning over more extreme sports fans from around the world.
The ninth annual Miss Belly Dance Hungary competition was held.
Some of the best belly dancers in Hungary‚ including those who came close to winning various international competitions took part in this year's event.
Interestingly‚ belly dancing was not intended to be performed before an audience.
Rather‚ it was a private exercise routine among women‚ designed to make the female body more flexible and strong.
According to belly dancing enthusiasts today‚ they love the dance as it helps them gain self-confidence and allows them express their womanhood.
In the competition‚ the dancers displayed their moves while moving to both traditional and modern music.
The winner was Anett Kecskemeti who impressed the panel of international judges with her strong techniques and harmonious movements.
Rwanda is yet another country that's making drastic changes to go green.
Their Institute of Scientific and Technological Research or IRST has been working on ways to produce more biofuel or bio-diesel using the country's natural resources.
Already the country has signed on UK-based Eco Positive and the American company Eco-Fuel LCC‚ in a move to produce 20 million liters of biofuel annually.
These companies will invest around 250 million US dollars to grow more Jatropha plants‚ whose seeds yield oil‚ in Rwanda.
The country has been importing some 160 million liters of fuel annually‚ and this recent green move will help control high oil prices as well as pollution problems.
With the IRST contracting more farmers to plant more oil-yielding varieties‚ Rwanda's farming community will benefit greatly as well.
But setting aside most of the tiny country's land exclusively for biofuel production may affect food security of the nation.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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