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Cool and breezy morning‚ warm afternoons over the weekend Updated: 2016-08-26 18:24:00 KST

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Cool and breezy morning‚ warm afternoons over the weekend Updated: 2016-08-26 18:24:00 KST
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Well‚ what a change one day can make in the weather We had a very pleasant day here in Seoul. Our Lee Jeehyun joins me from the weather center. Jee-hyun‚ it was certainly warm in the afternoon‚ but still great weather for being outdoors That's right Conn-young. The picture behind me was taken right outside of Seoul Arts Center near Arirang headquarters this afternoon. Just gorgeous. Thank heavens for the rain last night It brought much needed relief from this summer's searing heat. Skies were crystal clear all day long here in Seoul. And the cool breeze was definitely welcome -- almost too good to be true. I had to go outside and see how Seoulites were enjoying what felt like the first day of autumn. "It's been a long summer but yesterday's rain made it feel a lot more comfortable at night and in the morning. With the blue skies‚ my team decided to work outside." "The weather is lovely. The clear sky makes it feel like autumn. It's a perfect day to spend time outdoors." "We've had quite a few scorchers this summer‚ so this a big change. The gentle breeze makes it quite pleasant. And I think that feeling helped my work go more smoothly " "My son wore a sleeveless shirt yesterday but I put him in long sleeves today and he seems fine with it. Seems like fall is in the air " We've done a few interviews this summer on the weather‚ but today people seemed to be in a lot better spirits. Meanwhile‚ looking at the southern provinces today‚ it was a mix of rain and clouds -- more showers expected for the eastern and southern parts of the country through the weekend‚ and mainly on Sunday. Up to 40 millimeters of rain in store for the southern regions while the eastern parts will see 20 to 60 millimeters of somewhat heavy rain but in the capital‚ it'll stay mostly sunny. Now let's move on to tomorrow's temperature readings. Seoul‚ Daegu and Gwangju will get down to 20 degrees Celsius. For the highs‚ Seoul and Gwangju will hit 30 degrees while Daegu‚ Busan and Jeju will see a high of 28. Welcome news for those in Seoul‚ over the weekend we're looking at more of what we saw today‚ with good amount of sunshine. That's it for Korea -- here's the international weather for viewers around the world Reporter : jee8525@gmail.com
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