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북극이사회 정식옵서버 가입 2주년 행사 만찬사(영문)

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북극이사회 정식옵서버 가입 2주년 행사 만찬사(영문)
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Ambassador Lippert and
Ambassadors of Arctic Council states‚
Vice Minister Kim‚
President Kim‚
Ladies and gentlemen‚
Good evening. I can see that all of us have enjoyed exploring the Araon. For me‚ it was a special moment. The past month has been my “maritime month.” In mid-June‚ I was in Croatia‚ the “pearl of the Adriatic” and visited the port of Rijeka. Then‚ it was Yeosu‚ one of the world’s most beautiful harbors‚ to deliver a keynote speech. And last week‚ we had the election of Mr. Lim Ki-tack as Secretary-General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)‚ a significant milestone for a maritime nation like Korea. And today‚ to top it off‚ we’ve had our tour of the magnificent vessel Araon‚ meaning “all seas‚” and are celebrating the second anniversary of Korea at the Arctic Council.
I still have vivid memories of the 15th of May‚ 2013‚ the day Korea joined the Council as an observer. That was just three months after the inauguration of President Park and the new government‚ which had chosen cooperation in the Arctic as a major policy area. So you can imagine the sense of satisfaction we had at the time. And I think that the decision to accept Korea to the Council reflected the international community’s expectations for us‚ in terms of dealing with the challenges and opportunities facing the Arctic.
As you know‚ one such challenge is climate change. The whole world is feeling the impact‚ but the Arctic is really at the sharp end. Compared with the global average‚ the region’s temperature is rising twice as fast. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has pointed out that the Arctic is the “ground zero for analyzing the impact of climate change.” In fact‚ a few years ago‚ while visiting the region‚ he was shocked to hear about the astonishing rate its glaciers are melting away ? at the rate of 150 cubic kilometers per year‚ that is 150 billion tons every year. This week‚ he is planning to visit the Arctic Polar Ice Rim again‚ to raise awareness on climate change.
For my part‚ last week I spoke at a workshop on the Low Carbon New Climate Economy‚ where a new report of the New Climate Economy Project was discussed. The Project is a joint effort co-sponsored by Korea‚ and I emphasized that to tackle climate change‚ we in the international community must get our act together. Fail to act now‚ and we’ll pay an unbearably high price later - and pass on an even greater burden to future generations. Indeed‚ this year‚ the UN at 70 is focusing on adopting a new global climate change regime. The upcoming Paris Conference in December could become a make-or-break moment‚ for the Arctic‚ and for our entire planet.
Korean scientists have been active in the Arctic‚ researching the region’s climate change‚ and also its ecosystem and geology. The Arctic and the Antarctic are not only natural wonders‚ but natural labs to gauge the health of planet earth. We are committed to contributing to the science of climate change‚ as well as to broader research on the polar regions. That’s why over the past five years‚ the Araon has been sailing both Arctic and Antarctic waters with our researchers. And that’s why our scientists spend a good part of the year at the Dasan Arctic Research Station in Ny-Alesund(니알슨)‚ Norway.
And the changes that they have observed in the Arctic are real and serious‚ from rising sea levels to disrupted ecosystems. At the same time‚ we should also be innovative and creative in turning the challenges into new opportunities. The opening up of Arctic sea routes will inevitably generate some opportunities in economic terms.
Indeed‚ the Arctic is now turning from a region for geographic explorations to an area of economic promise. The inte
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