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Smarter video surveillance gaining momentum in Korea

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Smarter video surveillance gaining momentum in Korea
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
An employee starts to walk around with no safety mask or safety gear on.
The potentially hazardous situation is detected by a state-of-the-art camera and instantly relayed to a safety administrator.
This "Smart Video Management System" or S-V-M-S‚ developed by Samsung S-one‚ has the ability to preemptively detect dangerous situations.
"We film a site for a month and find a pattern to determine unsafe conditions based on the camera's 14 algorithms. There are six more categories for various industries. The system can detect and send warning signals to the administrators allowing for a swift response."
The S-V-M-S uses a facial recognition program in case of intruders or to locate a particular person in a designated area.
By calculating the speed and angle of movements‚ the system can detect violent acts or if someone has lost consciousness.
It can also figure out if barrels containing hazardous material are in danger of tipping over by calculating their angle.
This system changes the dynamics of C-C-T-Vs normally used for recording stuff that has already happened.
It's also a major improvement as it cuts down on human error.
Previously‚ an administrator had to monitor multiple screens at all times.
The success rate of detecting an accident drops by around half if a person monitors multiple screens for more than ten minutes.
The rate drops even more drastically after just 20 minutes.
Due to this‚ the government is investing 6.3-million U.S. dollars over the next five years on these smart surveillance systems.
To address concerns about privacy‚ security companies have come up with features to protect the identities of those caught on camera
Samsung S-one blurs the faces when they're filming and reveals them only when they are legally required to do so.
There are an estimated 2.7-million C-C-T-V cameras currently installed in Korea‚ including those managed by government agencies and those owned by individuals.
Kim Ji-yeon‚ Arirang News. Reporter : jiyeonkim@arirang.co.kr
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