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Coffee Culture Evolving in Korea

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Coffee Culture Evolving in Korea
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The days when people were just happy with a cup of instant coffee mix may now well be over in Korea as people now are choosing their own brew and style for their cup of the day.
[Interview : Lee Sera‚ Seoul resident] "I drink two to three americanos a day. I like the simple and fresh flavor."
[Interview : Choi Yong-woo‚ Seoul resident] "I either get a cappucino or a latte - three to four times a day.
And I prefer brewed coffee to instant‚ because I'm concerned about artificial creamers in instant coffee.
Brewed coffee tastes better too."
"The average Korean drank over 400 cups of coffee last year meaning [Reporter : Song Ji-sun
song@arirang.co.kr] they crave more than just one coffee drinks a day.
And Koreans are drinking more and more coffee with the market expanding by 20 percent each year."
Coffee imports have more than doubled in the past five years topping 400 million dollars last year.
The market in whole is expected to reach a three-billion dollar mark this year.
And those figures are not the only thing growing in the coffee industry.
More and more people are choosing to devote their career in roasting and brewing.
Baristas are just one of the flourishing professions in the industry.
These coffee masters‚ who advanced from regional preliminaries have only twenty minutes to present 3 different types of coffee including one of their own creation.
The twenty-four finalists will be judged based on their techniques and flavor of their crafts to be named Korea's Barista Champion this year and their creations are simply beyond imagination.
[Interview : Lee So-young‚ Barista] "I used Korean dates in my coffee which add mocha-like flavor along with sweetness.
People will feel vitalized when they drink this coffee."
In this Asia's biggest coffee exhibition‚ anyone with a fixation for the caffeinated beverage was able to taste the aroma of beans from all regions of the world.
And global providers say that the Korean coffee market is becoming more diversified as the demand of Korean customers are shifting to a more sophisticated way.
[Interview : Luis Paulo Pereira Filho‚ President
Brazil Specialty Coffee Association] "We are looking for this kind of market.
Day after day‚ more Koreans are looking for specialty coffee.
Now it's Korea time."
Be it a macchiato‚ green tea latte or a ginseng americano Koreans nowadays keep on exploring their coffee for their hour of the day which has now become a daily routine.
Song Ji-sun‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : song@arirang.co.kr
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