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Ski Resorts See Brisk Business Amid Economic Downturn

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Ski Resorts See Brisk Business Amid Economic Downturn
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
People in colorful suits with fancy winter sports gadgets are shoop-shoop-shooping their way down the bunny trails creating waves of fresh powdered snow at already-opened ski resorts across the country.
At last winter has finally arrived in Korea. Now although the falling snowflakes may perk up people's excitement some may think it's an extravagance to enjoy expensive winter sports given the current global financial crisis. But it seems the falling economy has failed to cool people's love of these pursuits as this ski resort manager says the number of people booked to come to this resort has already exceeded that of the same period last year.
[Interview : Lee Jaechan‚ Manager Vivaldi Park Ski Resort] "This winter season‚ the serious economic recession coupled with rising foreign currencies‚ has led people who usually go abroad to ski to come to resorts in Korea‚ instead. There has actually been a big increase in the number of people coming from Southeast Asia. So‚ we expect about a 10 percent increase from last year‚ in overseas visitors coming here to ski."
People from places where it never snows plan to spend their weekends in Korea enjoying snow covered spots.
[Reporter : Kim Nari narikim@arirang.co.kr] "The excitement of sliding down the slopes is priceless for ski and snowboard lovers especially from Southeast Asia who come to Korea every winter for that thrill."
People from China are among the most numerous of those enjoying Korea's ski resorts followed by the Taiwanese and others from various Southeast Asian countries.
And the freezing cold is not a problem for those who have never seen or touched snow before.
[Interview : Ivan Su Tourist from Taiwan] "It's my first time to see snow and it's very interesting and fun. It looks like ice cream."
And it's not just people who don't have a lot of experience with winter.
Ski bums whose countries are currently experiencing summer like Australia come to Korea to enjoy the colder weather.
[Interview : Toikwan Chung Tourist from Australia] "We are in summer so it's cool that we come to ski here."
Most of the ski resorts in Korea have been open since the end of November and at this resort about one-thousand tons of water are being used to create snow hourly on the slopes to provide the best quality and quantity of the white stuff for skiers and snowboarders.
So for people who want to experience the thrill of flying down a mountain cutting through the cold air Korea's ready for you!
Kim Nari‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : narikim@arirang.co.kr
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