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New Movie Premieres in Korea

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New Movie Premieres in Korea
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Alright‚ it's Friday
Two Korean comedies are out nationwide.
One deals with infidelity‚ the other‚ martial arts.
More from Son Heekyung.
The Korean comedy "A Day for an Affair" is about two married women who cheat on their husbands.
Director Jang Moonil's second movie stars actresses Kim Hyesoo and Yoon Jinseo‚ and the two women are only identified by their online chat names.
Dew is a sexy and fashionable woman who begins dating a college student.
She meets other men as revenge against her husband who has long been in love with another woman.
Small Bird is the wife of a detective who meets a playboy while chatting online.
The two women try to find true love‚ something which they believe they cannot get in their marriages.
Another Korean comedy features martial arts.
"Kim Kwangjan dae Kim Kwanjang dae Kim Kwanjang" is an action-packed film starring three men with different fighting styles but the same name.
The first specializes in taekkyun‚ the second in the sword-fighting art gumdo and the third in kung fu.
The title in English is "Master Kim Versus Master Kim Versus Master Kim."
From Hollywood comes the second movie adaptation of a classic children's novel.
"Charlotte's Web" is based on the book of the same title‚ and has the voices of actors Julia Roberts‚ Jennifer Garner and Robert Redford.
Talk show queen Oprah Winfrey has also lent her talents to the film.
A pig is scared that his farmer will eat him‚ and his female spider friend Charlotte crafts a plan to prevent him from ending up on a dinner table.
"Twilight Samurai" is an Oscar-nominated film from Japan that was released in 2004.
A low-ranking samurai in the 19th century lives a poor but happy life with his two daughters and senile mother.
His former love re-enters his life and raises his prospects‚ but he gets caught up in the turmoil of the changing times.
The film focuses on the main character's daily struggles instead of swordfights.
Son Heekyung‚ Arirang News. Reporter : heekyung@arirang.co.kr
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