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Busan Contents Market 2011 Attracts Foreign Buyers from 43 Countries

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Busan Contents Market 2011 Attracts Foreign Buyers from 43 Countries
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Carlos and Alicia are buyers from Mexico.
But they are not carrying any shopping bags.
What brings them to Busan for the first time is to purchase licensing rights for Korean media content‚ namely for Korean television series.
Carlos believes a good story can appeal to audiences across cultures.
[Interview : Carlos Sanchez Vega‚ Buyer from Mexico] "I think the topics the histories‚ the dramas‚ the Korean dramas and Korean comedy is very ingenious. Very original. The quality is very fine. HD‚ great quality in the actors‚ in the technology and the lights."
But Carlos is not the only one who's thrilled.
Busan Contents Market‚ Asia's largest media contents expo‚ opened its doors to more than 500 media companies in and around the country‚ including buyers and sellers from 43 countries.
What's different about this year is the size and diversity.
[Interview : Koo Jong-Sang‚ Chairman
BCM 2011 Organizing Committee
] "Last year we had 33 participating countries‚ but this year we have 43. The countries have also diversified including buyers from Europe‚ South America and Africa."
And the organizers have an ambitious goal of beating last year's sales record of 31 million US dollars to reach 50 million dollars in sales this year.
International media moguls‚ such as BBC‚ are also here to market their products‚ but there are more foreign buyers than sellers.
Korea's three major broadcasters‚ KBS‚ MBC and SBS‚ plus more than 140 cable channels and media production companies‚ attract buyers with their latest media contents in television drama series‚ animation and documentaries.
Differentiating from the pack‚ Arirang TV put forth shows in English covering the latest trends in the Korean wave.
[Reporter : Kim Han-ul‚ chkim@arirang.co.kr] "You can also experience the state-of-the-art technology of 3DTVs‚ smart TVs and IPTVs at this booth. And meet more than 30 Korean companies that provide the 3D media content for these tech-savvy gadgets."
Various 3D cameras‚ displays and equipment are on exposition‚ but industry experts say the latest 3D technology must be supported by good storytelling.
And the event doesn't just end here.
Organizers say they will continue to lead business efforts to market Korean media contents to the international audience until the end of the year.
Kim Han-ul‚ Arirang News‚ Busan.
Reporter : chkim@arirangtv.com
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