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Duplex Homes Rising as New Trend

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Duplex Homes Rising as New Trend
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Welcome back.
According to the 2010 census more than 60 percent of Koreans live in apartments.
This is a sharp rise since the 1980s when just nearly 10 percent of the population resided in apartment complexes.
But recently many Koreans are seeking ways to get away from the hustle and bustle of big cities by moving to the outskirts.
Yet‚ the soaring real estate price has always been a big barrier for these people wishing to move to private homes in outskirts of Seoul.
As a solution an architect has constructed a peanut house a duplex home at a relatively cheaper price.
Arirang Today's reporter Kim Hyo-sun joins us at the studio to tell us more on this new emerging trend.
[Reporter : ] Hello Sean and Conn-young.
Just like there are two peanuts in a shell two separate homes are built side-by-side on a piece of land.
The so-called peanut house has received much spotlight for its low cost cheaper than living in rented apartments here in the capital city Seoul.
Let's take a look at the details.
A large percentage of Koreans young or old live in apartment complexes.
Though Koreans used to live in private homes until the early 1980s they began adopting this new lifestyle with over 60 percent of the population dwelling in apartments.
This all resulted as the prices in the real state market began to rise and as nation's construction companies started introducing new residential apartment complexes.
[Interview : ] "The young generation's preferences‚ the deepening of the nuclear family concept‚ and the enhancement of women's social status are some of the reasons. And a lot of consumers regard apartments as products worth investing in and as subjects of real estate speculation. As a result‚ Korea is often called the republic of apartments."
아직도 많은 대다수의 소비자들은 아파트를 사두기만 하면 돈이 되는 물건‚ 상품으로 보는 경향이 많습니다. 그래서 소위말하는 자산 투기의 대상이 되는거죠. 여러가지 요인들이 복합적으로 작용한 결과 대한민국은 아파트 공화국이다 라는 말도 듣고있는데요.)
[Reporter : ] "Although high-rise apartment buildings symbolized Korea's residential area more and more people are looking for alternatives for various reasons."
Some city dwellers especially those nearing their retirement age are showing interest in moving to the outskirts.
Wide spreading eco-friendly living styles among Koreans also led to people prefering to distancing themselves from the hustle and bustle of big cities.
And nowadays more parents prefer to raise children in the sub-urban areas where they can have more contact with the nature.
Lastly increased cases of telecommuting helped people seek homes away from the metropolitan area.
Despite the rising demad for sub-urban housing owning a home has not been easy for many Koreans with the soaring real estate price.
As a result architect Lee Hyun-wook came up with a solution which has garnerned much attention recently
They are nicknamed the peanut houses for the structure is comprised of two separate homes that share the same land… just like two nuts share a shell.
These duplex homes are becoming a great solution for many Koreans who dream of owning their own home.
Since two homes are built side-by-side on a piece of land two families share the cost making these duplex homes much for affordable.
For Lee's case the total construction cost hovered around 730 million Korean won or over 670-thousand US dollars.
But he ended up paying only half of the amount and his neighbor paying the other half.
In other words he built himself a home with a backyard with just 365 million Korean won cheaper than living on a rented apartment in the capital city Seoul.
Although he had to move to Yongin an hour drive from Seoul he says he has not found it difficult.
[Interview : ] "Couples in their 30s and 40s fabor duplex homes as they can raise children at homes with private gardens‚ which is something apartment complexes cannot offer. These homes are not country houses‚ but are urban-style detached houses. Instead of living in rural areas without infrastru
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