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Explosions at Fukushima Plant

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Explosions at Fukushima Plant
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Two new explosions took place Tuesday morning at the No. 2 and No. 4 reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant.
And concerns are rising as radiation levels in the area are soaring and risks of further radioactive material leaks remain high.
And our Oh Jee-hyun is standing by at Arirang News Center to give us the latest.
[Reporter : ] Another earthquake struck in waters 195 kilometers southeast of the city of Sendai and while Japanese authorities have been trying to prevent further damage‚ the third and fourth explosions were reported Tuesday morning at the No. 2 and No. 4 reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
And Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano says radiation levels at the plant have increased to levels that can impact human health.
So‚ residents within 30 kilometers of the plant were ordered to stay indoors‚ while radiation levels are currently above safe levels not only in Fukushima‚ but the radioactive winds have also spread to other regions across the country and have reportedly reached Tokyo.
How are the Japanese government and international organizations responding to the situation[Reporter : JEEHYUN] Japan has told the International Atomic Energy Agency that radioactive material was being released directly into the atmosphere‚ and the UN nuclear watchdog says a radiation level of up to 400 millisievert per hour has been reported at the Fukushima power plant site.
And according to the World Nuclear Association‚ exposure to over 100 millisieverts for a whole year can lead to cancer.
Japan's Kyodo News Agency reported that Prime Minister Naoto Kan strongly critized the operator of an earthquake-stricken nuclear plant for failing to prevent the ongoing disasters and authorities for not reporting the explosions in a timely manner.
And the international rescue effort with close to 100 countries‚ including Korea‚ offering assistance is quickly picking up speed.
The death toll from the earthquake and tsunami has risen to more than 2‚7-hundred‚ while at least 3‚7-hundred remain missing.
The disaster has also left roughly 550-thousand people homeless‚ but two survivors were pulled out of the rubble on Tuesday evening giving at least a glimmer of hope to the devastated country.
The nuclear reactor crisis and the fears of possible aftershocks in the region are fueling growing panic in Japan and in nearby countries.
[Reporter : JEEHYUN] That's right.
Tuesday's explosions are definitely fueling panic throughout Asia.
The UN weather agency says winds are dispersing radioactive material over the Pacific Ocean to other Asian countries so residents in nearby countries are advised to stay indoors especially if it's raining.
There are currently more than 50 operating commercial nuclear power plants in Japan which provides some 30 percent of the country's electricity.
And with several of those plants located in severly affected areas‚ the recent nuclear explosion raises questions as to whether the country should build more power plants on tsunami-prone coasts.
Back to you.
Alright‚ Jee-hyun‚ thank you very much for that report.
Reporter : jhoh@arirang.co.kr
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