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Govt. to Closely Monitor Mount Baekdu Volcanic Activity

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Govt. to Closely Monitor Mount Baekdu Volcanic Activity
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
With unrelenting outbreak of record-breaking natural disasters around the globe and especially following Japan's massive earthquake that is now estimated to have killed nearly 10-thousand more countries are putting efforts into fortifying their natural disaster planning and preemptive measures to counter the unpredictable mishaps.
And here in Korea‚ experts are taking another look at Korea's iconic volcano‚ Baekdu Mountain.
It hasn't erupted in more than a century‚ but some geologists think it could be due for an eruption.
We have our Han Da-eun joining us today in the studio to tell us more.
Hello Da-eun!
[Reporter : ] Hello Sean‚ Conn-young‚ an array of severe natural disasters that seem to be unceasing with the most recent one being Japan's deadly quake is plunging the whole world down into overwhelming shocks and fears over what is really happening to our planet‚ earth.
And there are also growig concerns here in Korea on whether Japan quake has affected the volcanic mountain of Baekdu which recently emerged to surface for its signs of a possible volcanic eruption.
Some experts assert the signs indicate that time for an eruption is drawing near while some government officials say while there is a chance‚ no one can project the time or scale.
Let's take a look.
Is Baekdu Mountain really dormant "Baekdu Mountain has been carefully observed since 1999 when a volcanic observatory was built in China‚ and since 2002‚ there has been some symptoms of an eruption. Seismic activities near Baekdu increased dramatically‚ and the concentration of hydrogen and helium emissions‚ both of which are volcanic gas‚ soared by ten times. And so there's ample possibility that Baekdu Mountain may erupt in the near future."

Although there are tangible signs of a possible volcanic eruption experts say that Japan's earthquake last week would not have much impact on the highest mountain of the Korean peninsula.
"The distance between the epicenter of the Japan quake and Baekdu Mountain is very far‚ and so there's a big energy loss while the quake travels over to the East Sea. There's is no relation between the quake and volcanic activities near Baekdu."
And as the issue of a possible natural disaster on Baekdu Mountain emerged to surface the government‚ for the first time‚ has unveiled comprehensive measures to prepare for a possible eruption.
The Korea Meteorological Administration laid out details last week on how the volcano will be closely monitored.
[Interview : Lee Duk-kee‚ Director
Earthquake Policy Division‚ KMA ] "It's best to build a volcano observatory near the site‚ but due to our political situation‚ we plan to intensify monitoring by using remote surveillance facilities like satellites and sound wave detectors."
KMA officials say‚ however‚ that the chances of an eruption have always been there… and that the exact time and scale remains unknown.
[Interview : Lee Duk-kee‚ Director
Earthquake Policy Division‚ KMA ] "Scholars define Baekdu as an active volcano‚ and the chance of eruption has always been open. But no one can predict when it will happen or on what scale. If it does erupt‚ South Korea will suffer some indirect effects from the volcanic ash."
[Interview : Han Da-eun
daeun@arirang.co.kr] "Whether the dormant volcano will erupt in the near future is still unknown‚ but various government-level efforts are taking place for a more accurate projection on the time and scale of the possible natural disaster."
The Korean government also plans to upgrade cooperation with China and Japan… by exchanging information and holding various seminars on the issue
KMA also says it plans to closely collaborate with relevant government bodies like the Unification Ministry to launch inter-Korean cooperation regarding Baekdu.
Well‚ Da-eun‚ so the scholars
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