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Around the world 03-11-Day ed

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Around the world 03-11-Day ed
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Imagine your surprise if you were to see a ramp with a marble placed at the bottom end‚ rolling UP the slope. You'd be left befuddled as this goes against the basic law of gravity that we've been taught over and over again.
Well‚ such a display is indeed possible‚ but it's actually an optical illusionone that mathematics professor at Meiji Institute for Advanced Study of Mathematical Sciences in Kawasaki‚ Kokichi Sugihara‚ calls the "anti-gravity slide". Sugihara is actually the creator to hundreds of fascinating illusions over the years‚ He specializes in making what he calls "impossible objects"‚ models that basically LOOK like they defy physical laws when seen from a certain direction.
The optical magician says the trick to these displays is playing with human perception. Because we have the capacity to see two-dimensional obects as three-dimensional‚ we can be fooled into thinking something "impossible" is happening when it's really just an illusion.
Traveling around the world‚ lecturing about computational illusion and taking home awards at global illusion contests‚ Sugihara says there are practical uses for these eye tricks. One example could be to use computational illusions to understand and change what drivers perceive on steeply curved roads.. to prevent accidents or to reduce traffic.
Talk about efficient space management! Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv built a new wing that can play double duty as a car parking lot AND as a sterile facility. The nine floors above ground are your typical hospital with cardiology and neurology departments‚ but the four underground floors are designed to transition from a parking garage to a hospital during times of war.
Hospital director Gabi Barbash said this idea was inspired from the Second Lebanon War‚ when patients needed to be evacuated to grounds safe from missiles and rocketsbut had no such place to go. If such a war scenario were to play out again‚ Tel Aviv is to be a likely target. Thus the new $86 million building was created.
With the capacity to hold a thousand beds‚ or 1‚500 cars‚ each level is fully equipped with electricity junction boxes‚ gas and water supplies‚ phones and computers‚ nurse stations and infrastructure for temporary operations. Materials that can easily be washed to sterilize the walls and floors quickly were used in construction. There are also air-filtering systems to protect people from chemical and biological attacks or conventional weapons.
Three other such hospitals are being planned to also be built in central and northern Israel.
US President Barack Obama spoke out on Thursday‚ March 10th‚ at a White House conference‚ about his experiences of being bullied in school. He confessed that he was not immune from the bullying with his big ears and unique name.
The US leader pointed out that though many adults feel this is a fairly benign childhood rite of passage‚ it has the potential to inflict destructive psychological effects that carry on into adulthood.
This speech comes during a time where a number of teens in the US have committed suicide from prolonged bullying. Especially with the digital era‚ bullying is no longer confined within the schoolyard‚ but can leak outside in the form of vicious messages via cell phones or computers.
Angela Park‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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