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Territorial Disputes in East Asia

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Territorial Disputes in East Asia
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Korea‚ China‚ Japan and other East Asian countries are continuing their wars of words over the territorial rights of the islands between them. The territorial disputes in the East Asian waters have brought tension to the entire region. We now take a look at the disputes' origins and their current status.
The Korean islets of Dokdo are known by the name of Takeshima in Japan.
The Japanese even made alterations to their history textbooks to substantiate their claims that Dokdo belongs to Japan. Recently‚ 69 Japanese citizens caused a furor by registering Dokdo as their domiciles.
[Interview : Kim Hyeon-gwan‚ Korean citizen] "The Japanese use every chance they get to claim that Dokdo is their territory. As a Korean‚ it makes me very angry."
[Interview : Lee Gi-won‚ Korean citizen] "I wish I could tell the Japanese that they can claim Dokdo as their territory all they want‚ but it won't change anything."
Every Korean is concerned about the issue of the rightful ownership of Dokdo. About 1‚000 Koreans have also moved their domiciles to the islets.
[Interview : Park Sun-young‚ Liberty Forward Party Assemblywoman
Republic of Korea] "No matter how strongly Koreans feel about their rightful claims to Dokdo‚ it all becomes meaningless if those claims are not done diplomatically and actually substantiated. As a representative of the Korean people‚ I moved my permanent address to Dokdo to demonstrate Koreans' unmoving willingness to fight for their right to the Dokdo islets."
Moving registered domiciles are weak provocations when compared to the Dokdo-related statements of Japanese politicians. What is Japan's objective[Interview : Hong Seong-geun‚ Committee Member
Dokdo Research Institute‚ Northeast Asian History Foundation] "What the Japanese are trying to do is to convince third parties that their claims to Dokdo are the rightful ones‚ and to expand awareness about the Dokdo dispute within Japan."
Japan and Korea are in the midst of a heated argument regarding the true ownership of Dokdo‚ but this is not the only ongoing territorial conflict in East Asia.
Territorial disputes in East Asia are becoming so serious that they are considered as the onset of a new Cold War.
Including the Dokdo islets between Japan and Korea‚ there are disputes over the Kuril Islands between Japan and Russia‚ and the Senkaku Islands‚ near which China and Japan recently had a physical marine clash. China is also in argument with Vietnam over the Paracel Islands‚ and a total of six countries are claiming rights to the Spratly Islands.
The gravity of these conflicts has led the situation to gradually escalate.
Last September‚ a Chinese trawler collided with two Japanese patrol boats in waters off of the Senkaku Islands.
[Interview : Yoshito Sengoku‚ Former Chief Cabinet Secretary
Japan] "Obviously‚ we will be asking China for full compensation regarding the damage caused by this collision."
[Interview : Wen Jiabao‚ Premier
People's Republic of China] "If Japan refuses to come to reason and continues its stubborn claims‚ China will have no choice but to respond in kind."
After the incident‚ China banned rare earth mineral exports to Japan‚ and eventually Japan released the captain of the Chinese trawler.
However‚ the incident raised the stakes and the heat of the conflict over the Senkaku Islands.
[Interview : Lee Jae-hyung‚ President
Institute for East Asia Peace Studies] "The Senkaku Islands have always been claimed by both China and Japan. It is undoubtable that national pride will continue to fuel territorial claims on both sides‚ and the conflict will escalate."
Meanwhile‚ the Kuril Islands between Japan's Hokkaido and Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula are also the center of a great territorial controversy. Recently‚ President Medvedev called f
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