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New Zealand Grieves in Silence to Remember its Earthquake Victims

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New Zealand Grieves in Silence to Remember its Earthquake Victims
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Rescue workers‚ officials‚ lawmakers and relatives of the deceased and the missing held a two-minute moment of silence on Tuesday in order to show a sign of unity for the Christchurch residents and pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the devastating earthquake exactly one week ago.
New Zealand Prime Minister John Key‚ international search and rescue staff‚ and volunteers stood shoulder to shoulder as the ceremony began.
Emotions overwhelmed the crowd as a small pile of bricks and concrete pieces were laid in front of the dignitaries to represent some of the key sites in the shattered central business district.
[Interview : Melissa Miller‚ Media Manager of Christchurch ] "They are representatives of all of the affected sites. Particularly those where we have known fatalities… that is what these stones represent."
The brief and moving service ended with a stirring waiata‚ or a "song of grief‚" as those who are left without their loved ones shed countless tears.
[Interview : Maurice Gray‚ Tribal Council Head of Christchurch] " The ceremony is to acknowledge those who have died in this tragedy. But we also gather to call upon the strength of ancestors throughout the world."
Local media reported that New Zealanders throughout the country paid their tributes for those who perished or are currently missing as the commemorating services were held at the same in Auckland‚ the country's largest city‚ and its capital‚ Wellington.
However‚ the people of Christchurch demonstrated immense strength and unity for one another as they try to get back on their feet as its streets are dotted with trucks‚ repair crews and machinery equipment.
[Reporter : Yang Ji-woo
jwyang@arirang.co.kr] "Despite overwhelming grief and despair in the Garden City New Zealanders are picking themselves up to rebuild the city as it is now in full recovery mode.
Yang Ji-woo‚ Arirang News reporting from Christchurch‚ New Zealand."
Reporter : jwyang@arirangtv.com
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