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Pres. Lee Says S. Korea Willing to Hold Open-Minded Dialogue with N.Korea

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Pres. Lee Says S. Korea Willing to Hold Open-Minded Dialogue with N.Korea
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
President Lee Myung-bak reiterated that South Korea is willing to hold "open-minded" dialogue with the North anytimesaying that the Korean Peninsula should embark on a new future.
At a ceremony marking the 92nd anniversary of the March 1st Independence Movement against Japan's colonial rule President Lee said that peaceful unification is the best way to attain what Korea's forefathers strived to achieve in 1919.
[Interview : President Lee Myung-bak ] "Peaceful unification is the way to complete the work of independence and national survival that our ancestors aspired for so fervently 92 years ago today."
"92년 전 우리 선조들이 간절히 염원한 민족의 독립과 자존을 완성하는 길은 평화통일입니다."
He called on North Korea to join the wave of peace and prosperity in Northeast Asia and to take responsibility for last year's attacks on the South instead of pursuing its nuclear ambitions.
He added that a united Korea will become a central pillar for peace in the region and the world and that Seoul will beef up efforts to prepare for eventual reunification.
Meanwhilethe president urged Tokyo to take genuine action to transcend the bitter history of the colonial period based on Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan's statement last year in which he pledged to improve ties with Seoul.
In respect to uncertainties in the global economy stemming from the recent turmoil in the Middle East the Korean leader called for the same determination it demonstrated during the 2008 to 2009 global economic crisis.
[Interview : President Lee Myung-bak] "It is time now again for us to go back to the same frame of mind and tackle the new challenge."
"이제‚ 다시 그 때 그 마음으로 돌아가 새로운 도전을 이겨내야 할 때입니다."
The president also said that the spirit of the March 1st Indepedence Movement was globalism and that young Koreans of the G20 generation are the leaders of a mature and advanced Korea.
Yoo Ji-hae‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : julz1201@arirangtv.com
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