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Muammar Gadhafi's Son Calls for End of Violence & Int. Community Acts to Punish Libyan Leadership

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Muammar Gadhafi's Son Calls for End of Violence & Int. Community Acts to Punish Libyan Leadership
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Fierce anti-government protests are on-going in the North African country of Libya‚ with troubling stories of government forces clashing with protestors continuing to be reported.
Amid the chaos‚ the Libyan leader's son‚ Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi‚ held a press conference with reporters on Friday.
Saif Gadhafi said the media reports of military crack downs and Libyan citizens being killed are exaggerated‚ and that most parts of the country are calm and safe.
[Interview : Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi‚ Son of Libyan leader] "Here in Libya‚ we were laughing about those reports about hundreds and thousands of casualties‚ bombing Tripoli and Benghazi and whatever‚ about mercenaries."
The leader's son added that the troubles in Mistrata and Zawiya were caused by terrorists‚ but he hopes to resolve the issue in a peaceful manner.
[Interview : Saif Al-Islam Gadhafi‚ Son of Libyan leader] "There are small number‚ not very big‚ but they are there‚ nobody wants to fight‚ we have to solve this issue and hopefully we will solve it peacefully and I am sure we will do it by tomorrow."
Meanwhile‚ the international community‚ enraged by reports of bombings and the Libyan military using live ammunition against protestors‚ has taken steps to condemn the Gadhafi government's actions.
The United Nations Security Council held a meeting on Friday to discuss sanctions and other measures to punish the Libyan leadership.
[Interview : Ban Ki-moon‚ UN Secretary General] "I urged the Security Council to consider wide range of options for action. Those include proposals for trade and financial sanctions‚ including targeted measures against the leadership such as a ban on travel and the freezing of financial assets."
On the same day‚ the United States imposed unilateral sanctions against Libya‚ saying Muammar Gadhafi has lost the confidence of his people‚ and that Washington is ready to take more steps if the violence against protestors is not stopped.
Kang Seok-ho‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : kangsh@arirangtv.com
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