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Presidential Push for Educational Reform

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Presidential Push for Educational Reform
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
President Lee Myung-bak has begun what can be described as a full-court press to improve the quality of public education in Korea.
He presided over the first meeting of high-ranking educational officials on Wednesday to find ways to make public schools not only meet the expectations of parents but also produce students that businesses‚ research institutes and other organizations need.
The president said the success of the government's educational reforms will hinge on the degree of improvement in the classrooms that the public can feel.
Underscoring the sense of urgency the presidential office feels regarding the state of public education the president is heading educational reform meetings every month similar to the high-profile economic policy meetings he also presides over every week whose aim has been to steer Korea's economy out of the global economic crisis.
Disillusioned by the quality of education their kids are getting at school Korean parents spent almost 19 billion US dollars last year alone on private‚ after school lessons according to government data.
This has also prompted many Korean families to pack up and head overseas in search of better schools.
Making matters worse several officials at the regional education offices run by the government have been caught taking bribes.
Those scandals have diminished public confidence in the educational system and many say the abuses reflect the lack of financial incentives available for school officials to drive them to perform better.
The strategy the presidential office says is to empower school officials to come up with effective educational programs and to reward ones that stand out.
The aim is to allow parents to choose the schools they prefer their children to attend unlike the present system where students are allocated to schools according to their areas of residence.
Government officials say this measure will force underperforming schools to shape up or risk losing students.
Sam Len‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : samlen@arirang.co.kr
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