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Mourners Stream into Bongha Village

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Mourners Stream into Bongha Village
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
"Hello Sam‚ I am here at Bongha Village‚ beside the town hall where Roh's body has been resting since last night.
As you can see‚ behind me‚ there are long lines of people who came to show their sorrow their sorrow and respects for the former president."
Some of them camped out here all night and the sound of weeping could be heard throughout the night.
Maybe more than a thousand people wearing black came from different parts of the country holding white flowers and bowing in front of Roh's photo to show symphathies.
Most people I have talked to shared deep saddness and told me they can still not believe Roh has passed away.
And this is a person who shared his feelings with me.
"I wasn't able to sleep last night. I respected the former president even though he is not related to me. And I thought my vote for him was a right decision but to think it eventually drove him to death‚ I feel dreadful. I really wish him peace now."

It was very difficult to talk with people here as they criticized and shared anger towards the media and the incumbent government officials as they blamed them for Roh's death.
And because of that some officials‚ including prime minister Han Seung-soo‚ were stopped by Roh's supporters from entering the village here.
And this morning monks from Haein temple came to show respects by chanting‚ which they say they will continue till the sun goes down.
Now‚ what you see right now is the "Bu-eongi" cliff or Owl cliff which is about 100 feet high the one Roh has jumped from to his death.
It seems like people entering this town will not stop anytime soon.
Back to you Sam.
All right! Thank you for that update.
That was our Kim Na-ri down in Bongha Village.
Reporter : narikim@arirang.co.kr
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