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Yeosu to Host 2012 World Expo

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Yeosu to Host 2012 World Expo
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
We begin over in France‚ where Korea's Yeosu city has won the bid to host the 2012 World Expo.
Our special correspondent Kim Kiho is on the phone right now LIVE from Paris‚ where he has been following up on the events leading to the vote by member nations of the Bureau of International Expositions.
Kiho‚ I'm sure the Korean delegation is ecstatic.
Do tell us more about the atmosphere there.
A: Sunny‚ right after the name Yeosu was called out a grand celebration began here. The Korean delegation and hundreds of supporters are absolutely overjoyed at the fact that they’re bringing home the 2012 International Expo. Hundreds of Koreans are singing‚ dancing‚ shaking hands and hugging enjoying the moment in every way they can. It’s the joy they’ve been dreaming for the past five years if you count the days since the city’s first attempt at the world fair in 2002. You may remember the sad moment when it lost the 2010 expo to Shanghai. But today it’s a totally different scene.
To tell you about the final vote result Yeosu and Tangier of Morocco went into the second round of voting as expected. The final outcome was Yeosu votes and Tangier out of the 140 ballots cast. At the first round BIE members voted for Yeosu for Tangier and for Wroclaw. The Polish city was eliminated at the first round.
Q2: What would you say is the biggest reason behind Yeosu’s success?
A: You know‚ Sunny‚ I think from the beginning it was a choice between the environment and communication among different cultures. Yeosu‚ with its theme The Living Ocean and Coast focused on issues related to marine environment and global warming while Tangier sought ways to harmonize different cultures. Both the topics are considered very urgent.
I think Yeosu’s blueprint to make the expo into an opportunity to exchange ideas on sustainable marine technology really won the hearts of the BIE members. In fact the year 2012 is the final year of the Kyoto Protocol on global warming which apparently moved the voters to seriously think about the need to highlight the issue. Also‚ we must not forget the effective bidding activities by the members of the Yeosu Expo Committee.
Q3: Tell us about the remaining schedule.
A: Yeosu officials will be holding a news conference in a short while and then they’ll be joining a congratulatory reception hosted by the BIE. Korean supporters in the meantime appear to be planning an overnight party with lots of champagne to around.
The Korean delegates will leave Paris for Seoul tomorrow. They are set to arrive in Korea Wednesday morning‚ Korea time and will probably continue their celebrations. Sunny. Reporter :
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