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Chinese Superstition Causes Rush to Procreation

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Chinese Superstition Causes Rush to Procreation
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
It looks like the country's falling birth rate will not be much of a problem next year thanks to a superstition belief.
Married couples and newlyweds are rushing to procreate next year which is the year of the pig in the Chinese zodiac when fortune is supposed to smile on newborns.
Kim Minjung reports.
Cho Jooeun is seven months pregnant.
She didn't plan on having a baby next year‚ but something she recently heard convinced her that giving birth next year might not be such a bad idea after all.
2007 is considered the most opulent year in the Chinese zodiac the year of the pig under the lunar calendar.
Next year will be the year of the golden pig‚ which Chinese astrologists say comes around once every 600 years‚ making it all the more auspicious.
RECORDED: "I don't know how much of it to believe‚ but I'm happy because I feel good things will happen to my baby. My gynecology clinic is full of people trying to have a baby next year; it's almost like a baby boom. For now‚ I just want my baby to be born healthy more than anything else."
Cho is just one of many women who plan on giving birth next year.
Several gynecology clinics are booked solid with soon-to-be mothers inquiring about delaying birth in time for the new year.
Maternity wards and postpartum care centers are receiving more phone calls.
Certain newlyweds who tied the knot this year‚ or the year of matrimony are getting counseling on conceiving a pig baby.
So how much of it is true -
RECORDED: "If you look at the statistics‚ people who were born in the pig year generally lead successful lives and are well-off. This is because the year is one of harmony between water and fire‚ which complement each other. But rumors that the year of the golden pig comes just every 600 years is completely groundless."
Baby product makers are ready to cash in on the boom scrambling to meet the surging demand.
But the expected birth explosion could see a downside.
Many say they're worried over the fierce battle these lucky babies could face when they take the notorious college entrance exams.
This is also directly related to another concern namely the competition for jobs when they graduate university.
"Doctors warn couples against blind faith in superstition saying health and other circumstances should come first in deciding to have a baby.
Still the expected boom in newborns next year should provide a much needed boost to the nation's dangerously low birth rate.
Kim Minjung‚ Arirang News." Reporter : maryanna@arirang.co.kr
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