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China's Amb. to Seoul Warns Against Mobilizing U.S. Forces Korea to 3rd Country

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China's Amb. to Seoul Warns Against Mobilizing U.S. Forces Korea to 3rd Country
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
China's top envoy to Seoul says the U.S. government's plan to deploy its troops in Korea to other conflict regions should be undertaken with caution.
In a rare public speech in the capital‚ Ambassador Ning Fukui hinted his country will likely respond if Washington decides to send American soldiers here to a third country.
Nam Ki-yung has more.
China's top diplomat to Korea said Beijing won't turn a blind eye‚ if U.S. troops stationed in Korea meddle in regional disputes.
China's ambassador to Seoul‚ Ning Fukui‚ who spoke at a forum in Seoul on Wednesday‚ cautioned his government “cannot steer its attention away‚” if U.S. Forces Korea is mobilized to a third country under the guise of strategic flexibility.
Strategic flexibility refers to an accord signed by Seoul and Washington‚ which allows U.S. soldiers operating in Korea to be relocated to other parts of the world.
When asked about a possibility that the U.S. may intervene in sovereignty matters between Beijing and Taipei‚ Ning said he hopes the involved parties in the strategic flexibility agreement refrain from taking a course of action that would adversely affect peace and security in Northeast Asia.
Ambassador Ning also underscored the fact that the bilateral deal states‚ U.S. troops in Korea cannot operate in a third country‚ without the consent of the Korean government.
Ning says he can appreciate strategic flexibility if it is implemented within a bilateral framework as with U.S. troops stationed in Korea.
In terms of Seoul-Beijing ties‚ he said Korea should not feel pressured to choose between the U.S. and China‚ since Korea can and should maintain its alliance with the U.S‚ while at the same time pursuing good relations with China.
Nam Ki-yung‚ Arirang News. Reporter : kaynam@arirang.co.kr
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