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(22) Japanese Nationals Released after Charges of Illegal Entry onto Military Sites in China

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(22) Japanese Nationals Released after Charges of Illegal Entry onto Military Sites in China
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
China released three Japanese nationals on Thursday… whose arrest had further escalated tensions between Asia's top two economies.
However… a fourth remains in custody indicating that the current dispute is not yet over.
The four Japanese nationals were arrested in China's northern Hebei province on charges of illegally filming various military sites.
Two of China's state-run media outlets… CCTV and Xinhua news agency… both confirmed the release.
[Interview : News Anchor‚ CCTV] "Three Japanese‚ who intruded into a Chinese military zone without authorization‚ were released today after admitting to have violated Chinese law and showing regret for their mistake. But Sada Takahashi‚ one of the four Japanese nationals under house arrest‚ is still being held for investigation."
The Japanese nationals were employees of Fujita Corp‚ a Tokyo-based construction company and were on an official visit to China for a project to dismantle chemical weapons discarded by the Japanese military at the end of World War II.
Japan's foreign ministry reacted sharply and urged China to expedite the release of the fourth person still in detention.
[Interview : Seiji Maehara‚ Japanese Foreign Minister] "Three out of four were released‚ but one person still remains in custody. China has yet to give us any clear explanations as to why they were detained. We will continue to keep asking China for an urgent release of the remaining national."
The current dispute between the two Asian neighbors is the worst in years.
All recent efforts to improve relations have been futile… marred by years of mistrust emanating from Japan's past invasion of China.
Last week Japan released a Chinese trawler captain whose boat collided with two Japanese patrol vessels near disputed islets in the East China Sea which are claimed by both countries along with Taiwan.
Pragya Saini‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : pragya@arirangtv.com
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