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Around the World 02/05 - Morning Edition

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Around the World 02/05 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] The Super Bowl is one of the biggest national sporting event in the US‚ with over 95 million viewers glued to the screen‚ savoring the grid iron to grid iron action.
Other than the battle that goes on between rival football teams‚ the fiercest battle is the one for the consumer's mind.
After all‚ the Super Bowl is the biggest advertising events of the year‚ when commercial rates run far beyond that of other TV events.
A recent survey by Veneables Bell and Partners found that 66 percent of viewers remember their favorite ad from the 2009 Super Bowl.
A stark contrast to a mere 39 percent recall of which team won.
According to CBS‚ all the Super Bowl advertising spots are sold out.
But times are tough‚ and frequenters such as Pepsi has broken a 23-year tradition by opting out of the Super Bowl ad party.
A 30 second spot can cost up to 3.2 million US dollars‚ so ad companies work harder than push their creativity to the limit.
Buddhism‚ which was introduced to Japan in the sixth century has become a mainstream religion along with Shintoism.
When tradition fuses with a touch of modernism‚ even religious experiences can receive an added boost‚ as displayed by Kansho Tagai‚ the head monk of the Kyoouji temple in Tokyo.
When he puts on the identity of "Mr. Happiness‚" the 49-year-old monk begins rapping Buddhist sutra in modern Japanese on stage to the beat of hip hop music.
He said that he fell in love with hip hop music‚ and was inspired to spread Buddhist teachings and rituals to more people by using simple Japanese words.
His bold attempt to infuse the old with new doesn't end here.
Tagai aims to mix Buddhist chants with tap-dancing‚ and then the Samba.
His innovative methods will continue to be successful in attracting more young people to the world of Buddhism.
A Serbian musical that was first staged in 1968‚ titled "Hair" is staged for the second time in Belgrade.
In order to bridge the 40 year rift‚ the plot has been given a contemporary twist.
It is set against a backdrop of an international summit rather than the Vietnam War.
What's interesting is that even though the times have changed‚ the problems are similar.
Back then it was Vietnam‚ today it's Iraq.
The hero of the musical goes to Iraq to fight a war not because of any ideology‚ but for the money.
Although some audience felt it did not resonate with them‚ many who watched it on opening night‚ including Serbian tennis star Novac Djokovic‚ felt that the updated version works.
The 35 cast members were hired after a nation-wide audition where people of all profession‚ not just full time actors‚ were encouraged to participate.
The final cast included former bankers and even lawyers‚ who used their real-life experience to add realism to the production.
Tickets to this musical are now sold-out from February through March.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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