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(11)World News Roundup 10/21 - Day Edition

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(11)World News Roundup 10/21 - Day Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The famous Tour d'Argent restaurant will be opening the doors of its world-renowned wine cellar to the public.
It houses some 450‚000 bottles of wine but the restaurant wants to trim down its wine list.
Some of the selections are hundreds of years old and will be made available to the highest bidder.
A total of 18‚000 bottles will be sold at auction.
Some of the prized bottles include Cognacs from 1788‚ 1893‚ and 1875.
Chief sommelier David Ridgeway said that many of the bottles survived World Wars I and II and are very special additions to any collector's cellar.
The Tour D'Argent is a Michelin-starred restaurant located on the Left Bank with breath-taking views of Notre Dame.
Its guests regularly include royalty‚ politicians and film stars.
The auction will be held December 7th to 8th.
Prices start at 10 euros or 15 dollars per bottle and go as high as 3‚000 euro or roughly 4‚500 US dollars.
In Beverly Hills girl power was the theme of a spectacular night honoring the achievements of women in Hollywood.
The elegant 16th Annual Women in Hollywood event hosted by Elle Magazine and held at the Four Season's Hotel featured many of Hollywood's most powerful stars.
Actress Julie Andrews from the classic film The Sound of Music received the legend award and said in accepting that her career had many lucky breaks but also taught her a lot of tough life lessons.
Actress Katie Holmes who recently married actor Tom Cruise was also given an award and was recognized for ability to balance career and family.
Others receiving recognition included actress Emily Blunt‚ Julianne Moore‚ Zoe Saldana‚ Robin Wright Penn and Renee Zellweger.
But the men weren't entirely left out the event was hosted by actor Alec Baldwin.
In the United States the award-winning animated TV show "Family Guy" decided to include some political satire in the third episode of its eighth season.
In the show titled "Spies Reminiscent of Us" Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is spoofed as a macho spymaster who lights his cigarettes with a rifle and confronts the show's stars Brian the talking dog and Stewie the one-year-old baby who speaks in a British accent who are arrested for espionage.
Alexander Zaltsman a Russian student said the spoof treads a fine line between politically correct and incorrect while his friend Artem Vlasov said it was necessary to have some humor with politics.
However Muscovite Maria Korobova considered the jokes unacceptable saying she thinks that the spoof was an example of Americans trying to humiliate Russians.
No response from Putin has yet been made public.
No one knows if the parody has pinched a nerve but many say Putin doesn't mind burnishing his macho image every once in a while.
Sean Lim‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : slim@arirang.co.kr
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