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U.S. imposes new sanctions on N. Korea over Sony Pictures hacking

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U.S. imposes new sanctions on N. Korea over Sony Pictures hacking
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
New sanctions have been slapped on North Korea by the United States for Pyongyang's alleged cyber attack on Sony Pictures.
The White House says this is just the "first aspect" of the U.S. response to the Sony incident-- so more could be on the way.
The new sanctions for now are on three North Korean organizations‚
and ten individuals who‚ according to the U.S. Treasury Department are North Korean officials working in Iran‚ Syria‚ China‚ Russia and Namibia.
U.S. authorities say‚ however‚ that they are not directly linked to the cyber hacking.
The three sanctioned companies include the Reconnaissance General Bureau‚ which is Pyongyang's military intelligence agency
and the Korea Mining Development Trading Corp and Korea Tangun Trading Corp-- two organizations linked to the North's nuclear weapons program.
President Obama signed the executive order on Friday.
The White House says this is in response to North Korea's "provocative and repressive actions" of the cyber hacking
and that the sanctions have been imposed to further isolate Pyongyang's defense industry.
The U.S. has placed sanctions on North Korea before‚ for its nuclear weapons program but it's the first time the U.S. has sanctioned any country for a cyber attack.
The massive hack attack on Sony Pictures in November led the Hollywood-based studio to temporarily pull its Christmas Day release of the comedy film "The Interview" out of safety concerns.
The film‚ which depicts the fictional assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been condemned by North Korea‚ but Pyongyang continues to deny any involvement in the hacking.
The FBI and the White House have previously said North Korea was behind the attack‚ but a number of cyber experts have cast doubt over the accusations.
Connie Lee‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : connie@arirang.co.kr
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