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1104 22-WEATHER

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1104 22-WEATHER
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Hello‚ Kim Nuri with you. Now it seems like our weekend's off to rainy start with temps lingering between high teens to low 20s. Tomorrow‚ the whole nation will be drenched in rain.. and most of Central Korea should expect to see these soggy conditions up until Sunday… But things will dry out for the Southern regions.. and hopefully we'll start out next week nice and dry!
Here are your temperatures for Saturday.
Seoul will peak at 21 degrees Celcius‚ Daegu will be one degree lower at 20while both Gwangju and Busan will top out at 21 degrees!
Dajeon will be at 20‚ while the high for Jeju will peak at 23. Dokdo will be at 20 just like todayand Mt Gumgang will be at 13 degrees.
Taking a look at the international weather…
Wet and cloudy conditions prevail for Tokyo‚ Beijing and Bangkok tomorrow… while Islamabad will only get some light rain early in the day with skies clearing up later…
And beautiful sunny skies will continue for New Delhi this weekend‚ but Manila will see typical monsoon showers again!
Scattered thunderstorms continue for the rest of Southeast Asia…And while rain is in store for Perth…most of Southeast Australia are expecting nice and dry conditions tomorrow… Melbourne and Wellington however‚ will receive some afternoon showers on Sunday!
In North America…Nice and sunny weekend's forecast for most of the continent… But LA and Chicago's expecting some rain and lots of clouds on Sunday so have that in mind… For Vancouver‚ its an opposite story where rain tomorrow will clear out by the next day.
Down in South America…Tomorrow‚ rain in Buenos Aires is forecast to end by midday and Bogota will also receive less rain than today…
Other areas will be mostly nice and dry over the weekend.. except for Rio De Janeiro‚ where cloudy conditions are forecast for Sunday.
Onto Europe…Sunshine is finally back in the picture for Moscow‚ just like Berlin!
Cloudy skies will prevail over London‚ Paris and Madrid with some drizzle possible… but Rome will see harsher conditions with a mix of rain and thunderstorms.
Finally in Africa…Algiers and Tripoli are expecting windy conditions despite being free of any precipitation… Cairo‚ Dakar and Addis Ababa will remain mostly nice and dry‚ while Cape town sees lots of clouds tomorrow!
That's all for today's weather‚ so I'll leave you with a look at the next 3 days forecast. Have yourselves a wonderful weekend guysand I'll see you well-rested and rejuvenated next Monday!
Reporter : nurihime@arirangtv.com
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