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  • 해당 공공저작물은 외부사이트에서 보유하고 있는 저작물로써, 원문보기 버튼 클릭 시 외부사이트로 이동됩니다. 외부사이트의 문제로 인하여 공공저작물로 연결이 되지 않는 경우에는 사이트 바로가기 를 클릭하여 이동해주시기 바랍니다.
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Hello‚ I'm Yang Un-jung with your weather forecast.
Hope you're having a great time with your family and friends especially in this great weather.
Weather has been so wonderful since the first day of the Lunar New Year holiday‚ and according to the extended forecast luckily we can look forward to more of this nice and spring-like conditions for the next little while‚ so enjoy it.
So‚ Friday‚ we have clear sunny skies nationwide once again except the central regions may start off a bit cloudy in the morning.
We're looking at even warmer highs for Friday.
Seoul's hitting 8 degrees‚ tomorrow.
Daegu and Gwangju will be at around 10 to 11 degrees.
While Busan stays at 12.
Daejeon's at 9‚ just like today.
Jeju's getting up to 13‚ at the warmest in the country.
Dokdo's at 10 and Mt. Geumgang will climb another degree to plus 2.
Moving on to the international weather
Tokyo's looking at sunny skies on Friday with around 12 degrees‚ meanwhile Beijing will be affected by a passing low pressure trough‚ so partly cloudy skies are expected.
There are still heavy tropical monsoon rains going on in most of Southeast Asia however Manila's looking dry with plenty of clouds.
Heading even further south
In Australia‚ there's a severe tropical cyclone Yasi bringing very significant rainfall accompanied by strong gusty winds and dangerous waves into the north of Queensland and across the sea so take precautionary actions‚ if you're there.
Across the south is looking quite unsettled as well showers are passing through Melbourne as well as Wellington for the next couple of days.
Into North America
Beautiful weather's coming in for much of the northeast on Friday clear skies and plenty of sunshine during the day even for Chicago but temperatures are still on the cold side.
L.A looking kind of cool as well but mostly sunny.
Down in South America
Buenos Aires and Santiago both will be peaking at 32 degrees for your highs with lots and lots of sunshine.
But it's a different story in southeast Brazil a mix of clouds and thunderstorms will be in Sao Paulo‚ but Rio's staying fine and dry.
Over to Europe
Nothing unusual going on in Moscow with persistent 2 degree afternoon with snow.
London and Berlin will be wet with steady light rain‚ but Paris is getting a nice break.
And more sunny spells for Rome and Madrid.
Lastly in Africa
Tripoli has afternoon rain in the forecast‚ but more steady widespread rain will be instore for Algiers.
Cairo's mostly overcast but elsewhere's looking bright as usual.
That's all for the weather today.
Have a great rest of your evening‚ i'll see you back here tomorrow.
Reporter : ans@arirangtv.com
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