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Google's AI program to compete against Korean champion Lee Sedol Updated: 2016-01-29 04:07:59 KST

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Google's AI program to compete against Korean champion Lee Sedol Updated: 2016-01-29 04:07:59 KST
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Up until now‚ the ancient game of Go or Baduk has been singled out as a board game that computers couldn't crack due to its complexity. The rules are simple though‚ which is to gain the most territory of the grid by placing or capturing black or white stones which can be placed in an almost indefinite number of combinations. But this belief may soon change. U.S. tech giant Google says its computer has a 50-50 chance to beat some of the strongest Baduk players in the world when equipped with an Artificial Intelligence program called AlphaGO‚ developed by Google's London-based company DeepMind. Google says AlphaGO is trained to learn like a human being by observing others play and repeatedly predicting the outcome of each game as well as by using its "instincts" to make the best move in uncharted situations. This gut instinct is what makes AlphaGO more advanced compared to previous software programs including IBM's chess supercomputer Deep Blue‚ which beat Russian chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. by learning to use a general-purpose algorithm to interpret the game's patterns. Google says AlphaGO has already defeated European Baduk champion Fan Hui‚ five times out of five tournaments in October. Co-founder of DeepMind‚ Demis Hassabis says the ultimate goal of AlphaGO's development is to apply it to solve real world problems in the future. "After getting a CT scan‚ or brain image and you have it to process that image and recognize something what's wrong in that image and help work out what the best kind of treatment schedule should be." The verdict will be out as AlphaGO is to play against a decades-long Korean champion and Baduk grandmaster Lee Se-dol in Seoul this March. The winning side will be rewarded a million U.S. dollars as prize money but whatever the outcome‚ one thing's for sure is that the upcoming match will be a milestone in the development of Artificial Intelligence. Kim Jiyeon‚ Arirang News. Reporter : jiyeonkim@arirang.co.kr
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