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Lee Se-dol vs. AlphaGo match kicks off Wednesday Updated: 2016-03-09 03:51:22 KST

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Lee Se-dol vs. AlphaGo match kicks off Wednesday Updated: 2016-03-09 03:51:22 KST
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Alphabet Inc. Chairman Eric Schmidt‚ Demis Hassabis‚ the CEO of DeepMind Technologies and developer of AlphaGO‚ and Korea's Lee Se-dol‚ the reigning human grandmaster of the game all appeared at a press conference on Tuesday in Seoul. They each had some final words before a major tournament pitting Lee against the AI program AlphaGo gets started on Wednesday. "I am still confident that I will win against AlphaGo. But if I understand the algorithm of the program correctly‚ if artificial intelligence is able to imitate human intuition‚ it may be a challenge for me to win all five games. But I will do my best to show that it's not time for artificial intelligence to overcome humanity yet." The Go player added that he's never played against someone who isn't human. To prepare himself for the challenge‚ he did simulations where he imagined the tournament and the atmosphere to get himself used to the feeling that he's playing by himself. Team AlphaGo is just as ready. Since the program's victory against a human in a tournament last October‚ Hassabis‚ the program developer‚ has been working out some of the kinks‚ and said he is excited to test the program again during the upcoming event. "And this is why we want to have this match. We need to see if there are any weaknesses we don't know about. So of course‚ we tried to fix the weaknesses that we know‚ but there may be something that our systems don't do‚ that brilliant players like Lee Se-dol can create." (Standup) "Both sides are confident of a victory‚ and with Lee Se-dol's creative playing and AlphaGo's close to undefeated history‚ both have a good chance of pulling it off. Lee Ji-won‚ Arirang News." Reporter : jwl402@arirang.co.kr
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