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Summer Season Horror Film Lineup

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Summer Season Horror Film Lineup
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Scary movie lovers in Korea are in for a treat this summer.
A full lineup of horror films is set to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
The highly anticipated movie‚ "Horror Stories" begins with the kidnapping of a young girl who tells horror stories in order to save her life.
The film is split into five chilling episodes‚ including a modern film adaption of two Korean folktales.
In the final chapter‚ survivors of a zombie apocalypse suspect each other of infection‚ while riding together in an ambulance.
[Interview : Kim Ji-young‚ Actress
"Horror Stories" ] "With this director and the diverse art direction of colors‚ this film is very interesting to watch. This summer‚ the really scary stories in the movie will be able to refreshingly thrill audiences."
Already playing in theatres‚ "Two Moons" places three unlucky characters at a haunted house in the middle of a forest.
As they try to uncover the mystery of the supernatural events around them‚ they slowly become suspicious of each other and get caught up in the madness.
[Interview : Kim Ji-seok‚ Actor
"Two Moons" ] "Unlike traditional horror films‚ in 'Two Moons' the central events unfold a story so I think it is much more of a psychological horror movie."
Korean audiences will also be happy to see the American film "Cabin in the Woods" finally hitting local theaters.
The film has an unexpected take on the traditional horror genre.
Five friends vacation at a secluded cabin where they encounter zombies and other terrors‚ but soon discover their suffering may all be orchestrated behind the scenes.
If you're in the mood for more of a 3-D thriller‚ look no further than "Piranha 3DD."
Movie-goers will be treated to blood-soaked visual effects with plenty of comedic relief.
Whatever scary movie you choose‚ make sure to hold on to your popcorn and remember not to scream too loudly.
Paul Yi‚ Arirang News
Reporter : paulyi@arirangtv.com
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