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KCTA Digital Cable TV Show Kicks Off Thursday

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KCTA Digital Cable TV Show Kicks Off Thursday
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Switch off analog broadcasting‚ and bring on the digital.
Korea‚ aiming to a complete digital switchover by the end of this year‚ on Thursday hosted a digital cable TV show on Jeju Island.
Cable TV industry members from Korea and abroad gathered for an exhibition introducing the latest smart technology and platforms that provide broadcasting content to viewers on any type of screen…‚ often equipped with the Internet and phone connections.
[Interview : Oyungerel Chuluuntumur‚ Mongolian Expert
Communications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia] "We're a group of people who came to see this KCTA digital cable show and conference to learn from the Korean experience and their business model of the media and content business."
For instance‚ a Korean firm introduced an application that lets consumers watch numerous live channels and video-on-demand clips on tablet PCs‚ as well as on TV and computer screens… while at the same time chatting with other viewers on-line and voicing their opinions about the programs as they run.
[Reporter : Kim Yeon-ji‚ Reporter
yjkim@arirang.co.kr] "And for future business opportunities with these platform providers‚ broadcasting companies and content creators focused on promoting their contents-- Arirang Radio and Arirang TV‚ the channel you're watching‚ also participated in the event."
On the sidelines of the exhibition‚ the cable TV show brought together policymakers and experts from the field to discuss how society can catch up with technological breakthroughs to achieve a truly digital era.
As the analog age fades and gives way to digital broadcasting‚ consumers often find themselves having to spend more of their hard-earned money for new technologies.
[Interview : Prof. Graham Murdock‚ Keynote Speaker
Loughborough University in UK
] "We have to work very hard to make sure that everybody has access to these new facilities. One of the things happening on the internet is that many more people are making their own material and are posting it. They are involved in all kinds of discussions. So the question is how can we use all of that energy in the TV system
Reporter : yjkim@arirang.co.kr
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