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The Charms of Non-digital Music

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The Charms of Non-digital Music
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
With the latest and greatest in technology‚ the Korean music scene has been dominated with digital music‚ and idol groups with their flashy dances!
MP3 players and smartphones‚ the hallmarks of the digital era‚ allow people to easily download and even erase songs wherever and whenever they want to‚ creating an era of "instant music."
However‚ a growing number of people are beginning to drop the habit of such consumable music and are seeking out nostalgic analog music.
The type of music that was often heard live in the 1970s at the music cafe "C'est Si Bon" is making a comeback‚ along with a growing number of new listeners.
[Interview : Ha Jae-geun‚ Cultural reviewer] "The younger generation's music and digital music are very popular these days. The public is feeling a sense of disillusionment from the music overflow and when they listen to analog music‚ they consider it to be real music. For people of older generations‚ analog music is the means to step on memory lane‚ and for the younger generations‚ it's a realization that music used to be sophisticated‚ and feel pride in it. This is what's causing the analog boom these days."
The Nakwon Musical Instruments Arcade‚ home to 240 musical instrument stores‚ is experiencing a boom. Even on weekdays‚ many people come looking for instruments.
[Interview : Seon Seong-uk‚ Customer] "I'm here to buy a beginner's guitar"
[Interview : ] "Do you like acoustic guitar music[Interview : Seon Seong-uk‚ Customer] "Yes. Recently‚ I started listening to such music and thought about wanting to learn how to play it one day. So I have decided to try learning for once."
[Interview : Park Ju-il‚ Store manager] "My customers have increased recently. Many women‚ grown-ups‚ and even senior citizens have dropped buy to buy a guitar."
Instrument sales are skyrocketing! The most popular instruments on sale are guitars priced around $100 and aimed at beginners.
[Interview : ] "Are you here to buy a guitar[Interview : Kim Byeong-yeop‚ Customer] "Yes."
[Interview : ] "How old are you[Interview : Kim Byeong-yeop‚ Customer] "I'm 58 years old. I recently got a granddaughter and I want to play the guitar for her."
Kim Byeong-yeop is re-learning how to play the guitar in order to play it for his granddaughter.
[Interview : Son Chang-gi‚ Store manager] "We often run out of guitars to sell. Guitar manufacturers
are not able to supply us sufficiently."
Besides acoustic guitars‚ other instruments are also racking up in popularity.
[Interview : Park Ju-il‚ Store manager] "Another popular instrument besides the guitar is the ukulele."
The ukulele presents a different sound and feeling compared to a guitar. The sounds of various instruments fill the Nakwon Musical Instruments Arcade.
Many people have gathered at a cafe in Seoul to learn how to play the guitar.
[Interview : Kim Eun-min‚ Guitar learner] "This is a guitar cafe where we can learn how to play the guitar and enjoy coffee at the same time."
Playing a guitar and singing all night long is no longer only for middle-aged men. these days‚ there are more guitarists than ever‚ from students to full-time employees.
[Interview : Gang Jin-hyeong‚ Cafe manager] "The number of students has gone up this year. There are many in their twenties and thirties‚ and during vacations‚ many students visit the cafe."

[Interview : Kim Hyo-jeong‚ Guitar learner] "It's fun. I can easily play music with other people here."
[Interview : ] "How long have you been learning[Interview : ] "One month."
[Interview : ] "What song are you going to play[Interview : ] ""The Lighthouse Keeper" and "To Love""
Kim Hyo-jeong‚ though a bit embarrassed‚
shows off what she has learned in a month.
The learners appreciate songs that harmoni
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