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President Lee Announces Government's Amnesty Plan for 1.5 Mil Citizens

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President Lee Announces Government's Amnesty Plan for 1.5 Mil Citizens
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
President Lee Myung-bak announced Monday that the government will pardon the criminal records of about 1.5 million people in commemoration of Independence Day on August 15th.
This came in the president's 20th biweekly radio address as part of a question and answer session.
[Interview : President Lee Myung-bak ] "The amnesty on August 15th should be solely focused on helping people obtain a livelihood‚ such as farmers‚ fishermen‚ low income citizens and merchants.
이번 8.15 사면은 오로지 생계형 사면‚ 농민‚ 어민‚ 또 서민‚ 자영업을 하시는 분들‚
"The government will especially try to find those who have lost their driver's licenses‚ which they need to earn their bread and butter."
또 특히 생계형 운전을 하다가 운전면허가 중지된 그런 분들을 우리 정부가 좀 찾아서‚ 그런 분들에게만 좀 그걸 하자.
" combined‚ a total of about 1.5 million people can be pardoned one hundred percent‚ without exception."
합치면 한 150만 명‚ 정도 되면 아마 그런 분들은 다 면제를 받을 수 있다. 예외 없이 면제를 다 100% 받을 수 있다
Also at the question and answer session‚ when asked about the anticipated reshuffle of his cabinet ministers‚ and key presidential staff members the Korean leader reaffirmed that such measures are on the way.
Then the president also discussed the envisioned reshuffle in relation to a fundamental solution‚ that he announced last month aimed at unifying the conservatives and liberals.
[Interview : President Lee Myung-bak ] "Of course‚ there is a need to change some people to make improvements. I believe that [the Cabinet shakeup] should aim at raising efficiency and bringing about results.
물론 더 발전적으로 필요한데 바꿔야 할 사람들은 있겠죠. 효율을 더 높이고‚ 더 성과를 내기 위해서 한다든가‚ 이런 생각은 저는 갖고 있습니다.
"But in this era‚ it is not proper to lay the whole blame on them‚ and to replace people in a bid to avoid political responsibility." 정치적인 입장을 모면하기 위해서 그런쪽에 책임을 다 미뤄서 획획 바꿔치기 하는 그러한 것은 오늘날 같은 시대에는 더 좋지 않다.
"Personnel changes should not be carried simply for domestic political reasons‚ but should refelct the government listening to various opinions from the public‚ and applying these ideas [to policies]‚ as one aspect of the fundamental solution."
너무 국내 정치용으로만 인사를 다뤄선 안된다 하는 그런 생각을 갖고 있습니다. 그러나 여러 국민의 다양한 목소리를 듣고 반영하는 것이 근원적 처방의 하나다.
On the economic front President Lee said that it is too early to discuss an exit strategy from the current expansionary fiscal policies and that such spending measures will continue for sometime.
The president also used the opportunity to reiterate his belief that Korea will be the first to overcome the global economic crisis.
Kim Bum-soo‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : kimbumsoo@arirangtv.com
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