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Movie 'Breathless' Portrays Violence and Family

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Movie 'Breathless' Portrays Violence and Family
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
Are you ready for a two-hour stretch of swearing‚ violence‚ and cruel family life No one gets away with crossing paths with the street youth Sang-hoon.
He goes where he wishes and does what he wants.
A violent past has made Sang-hoon indifferent to violence.
Growing up‚ he endured the blows of his father almost daily.
The daily violence of his childhood pushed Sang-hoon into a deep and dark pit.
He lives with anger burning in his heart after losing both his mother and sister in a single day.
Yet there is a tender side to Sang-hoon.
He looks after his nephew Hyeong-in‚ and Hyeong-in's mother his half-sister.
But Sang-hoon is clumsy when trying to return love.
[Interview : Yang Ik-june
Director of Breathless ] "No frills‚ no lies. That's all that comes to mind. For this film‚ that's where I feel the most pride."
Then one day‚ Sang-hoon meets a school girl.
Sang-hoon is intrigued by this girl who faces him squarely‚ undaunted by his tough manners.
He recognizes the same defiance against the world in her that rages in him.
Of course‚ there is a story behind Yeon-hui's toughness.
A father struck by mental illness and a fist-wielding brother her family is not that different from Sang-hoon's.
These souls find comfort in the fact that not all families are picture perfect.
They share what they can in the harsh realities of life.
This film depicts the life of a man who was given the cold shoulder by life and family.
Invited to 18 different film festivals "Breathless" won nine awards from seven of them.
[Interview : Oh Seon-ju‚ Movie audience] "The film gives an accurate depiction of real life issues. I would recommend it to anyone."
The camera shows domestic violence in its raw reality‚ and the wounds of the families who endure it.
Watch "Breathless" to see how this typical bad guy opens up his heart and how he passionately engages the world and learns how to love and care for others.
Reporter : jbin0620@yahoo.co.kr
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