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  • 해당 공공저작물은 외부사이트에서 보유하고 있는 저작물로써, 원문보기 버튼 클릭 시 외부사이트로 이동됩니다. 외부사이트의 문제로 인하여 공공저작물로 연결이 되지 않는 경우에는 사이트 바로가기 를 클릭하여 이동해주시기 바랍니다.
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The Concert Hall in Seoul Arts Center.
Despite the ongoing recession's effects on the local performance industry‚it doesn't seem to be a factor for tonight's classical star.
All 25-hundred seats of the Concert Hall were sold out early to enthusiastic listeners‚ who have been longing for the much-awaited concert.
Seoul Arts Center‚ Seocho-gu‚ Seoul
[Interview : ] "I booked the tickets way in advance to be here today."
[Interview : ] "I have long been an ardent fan. I have waited for this concert for a very long time. I am thrilled that the concert will present new repertoires."
Richard Yongjae O`Neill Baroque Concert with Alte Musik Koeln
The star of the night‚ is none other than much acclaimed Korean-American violist Richard Yongjae O'Neill.
Richard Yongjae O`Neill Baroque Concert with Alte Musik Koeln
O'Neill‚ who has risen to stardom in Korea for his poeticism of his earlier albums‚ is back to show off a different streak of genre‚ the classical Baroque music.
Baroque Music - A style of European classical music that extends from 17th to 18th century. More emphasis on articulation than dynamics and retains fairly consistent level of dramatic energy.
To fully capture the essence of Baroque music‚ the artist modified his viola with gut strings and a baroque bow.
[Interview : Richard Yongjae O'Neill‚ Violist]
Viola Concerto in G Major TWV 51:G9
O'Neill appeared on stage with the renowned period ensemble‚ Alte Musik Koln‚ with whom he collaborated on his fourth album 'Mysterioso'.
'Alte Musik Koeln' Early Music Ensemble
The small-scaled ensemble is made up of specialists who play original 18th century instruments‚ in order to recreate the special sound of Baroque music.
[Interview : Klaus-Dieter Brandt / Alte Musik Koeln Leader / Violoncellist ]
He recently released a Baroque album called 'Mysterioso'. It earned rave reviews from classical music critics and surpassed the 100 thousand mark for album sales.
[Interview : Richard Yongjae O'Neill‚ Violist]
Deep‚ rich and resonant sound of Baroque music‚ that can only be delivered through traditional instruments dazzled the audience. Richard Yongjae O'Neill played number of challenging Baroque pieces‚ including those from his first Baroque album.
Richard Yongjae O'Neill‚ maybe back now with a starkly different style of music‚ but his mastery of the instrument and delivery of lush emotions remains unchanged.
Reporter : geniusjiyeon@hotmail.com
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