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National Assembly Begins Its First Regular Session

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National Assembly Begins Its First Regular Session
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The National Assembly began its first regular session to take place over one hundred days starting Monday.
This comes about three months after the 18th assembly began its term in June due to the Lee Myung-bak administration's controversial decision to reopen the Korean market to US beef imports.
And lawmakers are now looking at the heavy work load in front of them with 670 bills on the table.
Bills include the overdue ratification of the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement‚ supplementary budget‚ tax reform and deregulation bills among others.
However the ruling and opposition parties are expected to be at odds over the direction of the economy.
"MB노믹스의 튼튼한 주춧돌을 놓는 경제국회‚ 흐트러진 사회질서를 바로세우는 국회가 되도록 최선을 다할 것이다."
[Interview : Yoon Sanghyun‚ Spokesman
Grand National Party
] "We will do our best to make sure the National Assembly session lays out a strong foundation for MB-nomics as well as re-establishing social order."

Securing 172 seats in the 299 seat assembly the Grand National Party calls the last ten years of liberal rule the lost ten years and plans on revising or scrapping many of the legislations that the main oppostion Democratic Party created while having the majority in the 17th assembly.
On top of pushing to ratify the free trade deal with the US the GNP plans on reducing taxes by amending a progressive real estate tax as well as income‚ inheritance‚ and corporate taxes.
The GNP also intends to give a boost to domestic businesses by privatizing state-run enterprises as well as abolishing limits on inter-subsidiary shareholding giving the conglomerates more control to determine their own division management structure.
One of the key bills also includes allowing nonfinancial enterprises to invest in financial firms.
However the Democratic Party has vowed to prevent the ruling party from having its own way.
"민주당은 2%만의 부자와 특권층을 위한 한나라당의 입법기도에 적극적으로 맞설 것이다."
[Interview : Choi Jaesung‚ Spokesman
Democratic Party] "The Democratic party will aggressively take on the Grand National Party's legislation attempts focusing on only two-percent of the nation's rich and priviledged."
Although holding only 83 seats the main opposition party in cooperation with other opposition parties may be able to prevent a GNP walkover in the session as there will be confirmation hearings for a Supreme Court justice the chairman of the Board of Audit and Inspection as well as ministers of science‚ agriculture and health beginning Tuesday.
Also scheduled in the session are inspections on the Lee administration including a special investigation into the process used by the government to reach the US beef import deal.
Kim Bumsoo‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : kimbumsoo@arirangtv.com
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