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President Replaces Three Cabinet Ministers

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President Replaces Three Cabinet Ministers
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The Presidential Office of Cheong Wa Dae announced its long awaited cabinet reshuffle Monday to pacify public anger and distrust over his administration's resumption of US beef imports.
However the cabinet shake-up was smaller in scale than initially expected with Prime Minister Han Seungsoo and the Minister of Finance and Strategy Kang Mansoo being retained
The presidential spokesman explained that the two were not being given enough time to properly fullfill their duties because of the national elections and the anti-US beef import protests and he added it is not desirable to frequently replace ministers in time of global economic difficulties.
As a result only three ministers were replaced.
The Minister of Food and Agriculture Chung Woonchun who has been inundated with criticism over the US beef import deal is to replaced by Jang Taepyung a career economic bureaucrat who also worked for the ministry.
The Minister of Health‚ Welfare and Family Affairs has been replaced due to his controversial comments on the US beef agreement as well as the Minister of Education‚ Science and Technology. who is being shown the door due to a funding scandal unrelated to the beef issue.
However opposition parties have been calling for a larger-scale reshuffle and are arguing that the Finance Minster should also be let go due to his insufficient actions against high energy prices.
Opposition parties are currently boycotting the National Assembly criticizing the government's resumption of importing American beef.
And now it is unclear when the legislature will hold hearings to approve the new appointees.
[Reporter : ] And the opposition parties away from the National Assembly are now under duress as a fuller scale reshuffle that they seek could actually make the government run with more ministers absent.
Kim Bumsoo‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : kimbumsoo@arirangtv.com
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