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Around the World 12/27 - Day Ed

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Around the World 12/27 - Day Ed
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The Israeli Air Force or the IAF has placed a specially equipped radar on its northern border.
It is unique in the sense that it can help prevent not just collisions with jets but with birds as well.
The new radar allows researchers to collect data on bird migration.
The wavelength of the radar is designed to identify clouds and birds from 100 kilometers away.
More than one billion birds fly through the middle east‚ passing through Israel.
In the last 3 decades‚ there has been 75 aircrafts collisions and 10 crashes due to birds.
Now‚ with the new radar‚ the IAF can now monitor feeds of where the migratory flocks are headed‚ live.
Since its infancy in the 1980s‚ the bird radar helped reduce bird-related plane accidents by more than 75 percent.
A red panda was spotted by a family in Sichuan Province‚ China.
The panda rushed inside the home of one family‚ and they were delighted to have the uninvited guest.
The family tried to be accomodating and even provided a warm resting spot for the endearing animal.
Neighbors would visit to take a look at the panda and sometimes it responded by barking at them.
The red panda is an endangered species with an estimated population of less than 10-thousand.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature or IUCN has classified the red panda as "vulnerable" meaning it has become endangered due to habitat destruction.
The tresspassing red panda has been released back into the wild.
A chimpanzee sanctuary known as JACK in Congo continues to rescue and provide shelter for the primates.
JACK was opened in 2006 to take care of baby chimps.
Most of these chimps are orphans whose parents were killed by illegal bush meat traders.
The organization releases the chimpanzees back into the wild when they are able to fend for themselves.
The Democratic Repulic of Congo has the largest population of chimpanzees in the wild.
Many of them were hunted down during the years of civil war in the country and now there are laws passed by the government to protect the chimps.
Unfortunately‚ wildlife trafficking‚ as well as logging continues to threaten the chimpanzee's survival.
The sanctuary is a bright spark that helps counter such effects but it cannot handle the increasing number of chimps brought in and as a result some are even turned away.
Daniel Choy‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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