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Around the World 10/12 - Morn Ed

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Around the World 10/12 - Morn Ed
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] It's easy to take things for granted‚ especially if it's been around for hundreds of years.
If such a phenomenon is natural progression for human relations it is practically second nature for us to forget how important certain age old historic structures are.
Right‚ in Korea‚ just a couple of years ago‚ Koreans were reminded of that fact when the 숭례문 was burnt down by an crazed arson.
Well all was not lost‚ other than teaching us a lesson on treasuring such valuable cultural heritages‚ we got a chance to revamp it.
[Reporter : ] It would have been better if we didn't need a tragedy to motivate us to be more attentive to such treasures.
Over in France‚ they are making some changes to make the Eiffel Tower more visitor-friendly.
The Eiffel Tower is the symbol of Paris and France.
And with around 7 million visitors per year‚ it is arguably the most visited building in the world.
The Eiffel Tower company unveiled its plans to add some new features to the landmark structure.
Some of these modifications include the installation of giant viewing bays and the introduction of glass floors on the walkways on the inside edge of the open spaces between the pillars.
These upgrades are welcome changes‚ as almost half the visitors stop at the first stage and don't really climb all the way up to the more important parts of the tower.
Some 25 million euros will be spent to offer the tower visitors a strong first impression on the first stage.
The work will begin next year and last for about 17 months.
A royal wedding is set to be held on October 13 in the remote kingdom of Bhutan.
The people's beloved king‚ Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck will marry Jetsun Pema in a traditional ceremony to be held in Punakha Dzong.
The 31-year-old Oxford-educated monarch will marry Jetsun Pema a 21-year-old daughter of an airlines pilot who studies in London's Regents College.
Portraits of the royal couple are adorning most boulevards and building walls.
Colorful flags‚ festoons and flowers will also ensure the capital has a festive look.
The ceremony is expected to be kept low-key as the King wishes to refrain from being too extravagant.
Many Bhutanese as well as foreigners are flying to Bhutan for what is being called a once in a lifetime occasion.
Vivienne Westwood launched a line of special T-shirts in Brussels.
The British designer's bright orange T-shirts are created as part of a campaign by the United Nations Environment Program's newest initiative‚ titled GreenUp.
The proceeds from the shirt with a black map and green arrow will go to fund replanting programs.
For every tee-shirt sold online‚ a tree will be planted.
The very green designer has been using her fashion shows as a medium to raise awareness of environmental issues.
She added that she wanted to show that we can work to have a sustainable world‚ without necessarily involving money.
A company donated 3-thousand shirts produced in organic cotton for the program.
Westwood's design is the first of 10 citizen action programs by GreenUp‚ ahead of the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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