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Around the World 10/11 - Day Ed

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Around the World 10/11 - Day Ed
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
When it first got started‚ it was labeled extremely dangerous.
That perception of the sport known as base jumping hasn't changed much today.
It is after all significantly more dangerous than skydiving from an aircraft.
But it seems like more and more people wouldn't mind risking their lives for the thrill of jumping from great heights.
This year at the annual Kuala Lumpur Tower International Base Jump competition‚ more than 120 jumpers participated from 22 countries including Australia‚ New Zealand‚ the United States‚ the United Kingdom and Japan.
Individuals and groups took the deadly plunge from the top of tall buildings‚ antenna bridges or cliffs‚ armed with just helmets and parachutes.
For four days participants demonstrated flips‚ spins and back flips on their way down much to the pleasure of curious spectators.
The first ever night jump sessions were held as well.
Unfortunately this year's event wasn't accident-free.
During a practice session a week before the competition began‚ a 42-year-old Australian jumper died as her parachute got entangled in a camera and failed to open‚ demonstrating the risk involved in going for the ultimate rush.
The full staff has been assembled for the construction of the orbital outpost as the October launch of a Russian Soyuz capsule successfully transported cosmonauts Alexander Kaleri‚ Oleg Skripochka and Scott Kelly to the International Space Station.
As Scott joins his identical twin brother Mark‚ this will be the first time that blood relatives are together in space.
The crew members will remain on the station for six months to continue the work on the 100 billion US dollar project of 16 nations.
With two more deliveries‚ the US assembly of the station will be complete.
Although congress has approved the upcoming NASA projects‚ no green light has been given in terms of providing financial support.
And so‚ for next summer's space mission to deliver additional cargo‚ NASA must find ways to fund the 3 billion dollars a year project on their own.
On October 9th‚ hundreds of people gathered at Central Park's Strawberry Fields to celebrate the life of John Lennon.
If he was alive to this day‚ it would have been a joyous occasion when his friends and fans would have celebrated his 70th birthday with him.
Even though he didn't live past 40‚ his spirit is very much alive and well.
People of different generations‚ including those that never actually got to see him play‚ sang in a circular ring around the famed memorial to honor the Beatles leader.
A marching band played his songs while parading down Central Park West.
The founder of the Beatles was born in England in 1940 and went on to release many great songs including "Imagine‚" which became an unofficial anthem of peace activists around the world.
John Lennon died on December 8th‚ 1980 when a disturbed fan shot him.
Daniel Choy‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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