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Around the World 07/27 - Morning Edition

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Around the World 07/27 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] Over in France‚ scientists from around the world could not hold back their excitement as they are inching closer to understanding the primeval explosion that gave birth to the universe.
At the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Paris‚ the 94-million US dollar Large Hadron Collider or the LHC was unveiled.
According to Rolf Heuer‚ the director general of the European Organization for Nuclear Research or CERN‚ the so called "Big Bang Machine" could help scientists explore parts of the universe yet to be understood by mankind.
The LHC allows them to view the thousands of mini Big Bangs that occur when sub-atomic particles are smashed into each other.
The images of the collisions seen through the LHC reflects what happened a fraction of a second after the Big Bang‚ when matter and energy spewed out to form galaxies‚ stars‚ planets and life.
Some 10-thousand researchers around the globe will be kept busy analyzing the volumes of the LHC data.
Dogs are proving themselves worthy of the title "Man's best friend" yet again‚ as though they needed to remind canine lovers of this simple fact.
Over in Afghanistan‚ canine teams are making a difference in the war against terror.
These bomb-sniffing dogs are a godsend to the hard working men and women who put their lives on the line day in and day out.
The team of explosive detection dogs have joined their human partners in the volatile Arghandab district where all the action is in the war-devastated country.
In the case of Specialist Jacob Evans and his off-leash military dog Sergeant Muddy‚ the two have forged a partnership like no other.
Muddy who has been Jacob's partner for four years is trained to detect more than 60 types of explosives.
Other than helping soldiers stay out of harms way‚ Muddy the chocolate colored Labrador also serves as a morale booster for many of the servicemen.
Specialist Evans recently injured his legs while on duty‚ but he is expected to make a full recovery‚ and Muddy will be steadfastly awaiting his return to the field.
Some fortunate tourists and locals arriving in Narita International airport on one particular day were in for quite a treat‚ as Angelina Jolie landed in Tokyo to promote her latest movie‚ "Salt."
At the arrival lobby of the airport‚ the local media ensured that everyone sensed the presence of a celebrity.
To the dismay of the Brangelina fans‚ Jolie's significant other did not join her like he did during their last visit to Japan in January 2009.
Her latest action thriller is about a highly trained spy who is framed and on the run.
The role was originally for Tom Cruise‚ but he turned it down to work on a different project that proved to be a dud.
Although "Inception" beat "Salt" in the North American box office battle‚ it is expected to easily win over foreign viewers.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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