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Around the World 04/09 - Morning Edition

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Around the World 04/09 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] Celebrities including Brad Pitt‚ Britney Spears and Bono have been seen sporting TOMS shoes.
They do so because the simple act of purchasing a pair of these shoes supports a very charitable cause.
TOMS stands for Tomorrow's Shoes‚ and fittingly‚ the company demonstrates their conscious capitalism approach.
For every pair of shoes purchased‚ a free pair of these sneakers is donated to a child in need of shoes.
Blake Mycoskie‚ the 33-year old CEO of the company was determined to make his corporate philosophy based on social responsibility work‚ after meeting children from poor families that couldn't even afford shoes.
The "One for One" program works through an established network of NGOs in various countries around the world‚ that help distribute the shoes to those who need them the most.
Already the company has given away more than 400 thousand shoes around the world.
Knowing that Mycoskie's shoes help customers give back to society‚ more and more big names in retail are eagerly displaying and selling TOMS shoes.
A natural form of pedicure‚ better known as Dr. Fish in Korea is winning salon goers in Paris‚ France.
Clients soak their feet in a pool of warm water filled with hundreds of fish that nibble away dead skin of the feet.
The end result of the treatment by the toothless fish is silky smooth feet.
Initially‚ most people start with a lot of shrieking due to the tickling sensation.
But once they get past that point‚ they learn that it can be a very refreshing experience.
There are many advantages to the all-natural treatment compared to conventional pedicure.
The fish treat all areas of the feet‚ including between the toes and under the soles.
Also‚ scrubbing with a file leads to more dead skin growing back faster.
With the fish treatment‚ it takes much longer for dead skin to grow back.
It is also more affordable than old-fashioned pedicure at 49 Euros for a 60-minute session.
A groundbreaking discovery has been made South Africa.
Fossils of a juvenile male and female adult showed that the species shared many physical traits with the earliest known human Homo species.
The species had long arms‚ short‚ powerful hands‚ advanced pelvis and long legs capable of striding or running like a human.
The recently discovered fossils are in extraordinary condition‚ in spite of the fact that they are around 1.9 million years old.
The discovery also backs up a theory that the African Continent is where the human race originated from.
The fossils of the duo that is estimated to have died at the age of 11 will be displayed at the Cradle of Humankind.
Fittingly‚ the juvenile skeleton will be named by the winner of a naming competition held in South Africa.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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