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Around the World 03/30 - Morning Edition

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Around the World 03/30 - Morning Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
[Reporter : ] A very special fair was held in a city in Poland to celebrate the Easter holidays.
Visitors were treated to a feast for the eyes as well as for the stomach.
A fair held in the city of Lublin gave visitors a chance to appreciate Easter decorations made using traditional techniques rather than the ones that are mass produced using machines.
Artist Mariusz Dubiel displayed his pictures of saints and other elements linked to Easter tradition‚ which were carved on ostrich eggs and goose eggs.
It takes him up to 30 hours to complete a piece‚ but the final product is well worth the effort‚ according to its creator.
Also an important part of Polish Easter tradition is artificial palm trees that are used to decorate the dining table.
The ones created using dried plants and branches were on display and for sale at the festival.
Visitors could also treat themselves to traditional sausages that were smoked on the spot.
All in all‚ it was an amazing experience where one could learn more about Polish Easter traditions from enthusiastic stall owners and sellers.
All around the world‚ people continue their efforts to preserve traditions and customs.
Over in a village called Holloko‚ Hungary‚ its people continue to practice an Easter tradition where men chase women around the village to pour ice-cold water on them.
This "drenching" festival originates from pagan fertility and cleansing rites that were practiced in many parts of Central and Eastern Europe for centuries.
The process symbolizes renewal‚ cleanliness and revival.
Today‚ it is used as a means to gauge popularity as well.
The women who get drenched change their clothes to be drenched again‚ and even practice runs are held before the actual celebrations.
Some opt for spraying perfume over buckets of water‚ but many are insistent on keeping the fading tradition alive by sticking to the age-old approach.
Some girls take pride in having changed their clothes over and over again to be drenched repeatedly‚ as it is an indicator of how much interest they've been getting from the boys.
Thanks to heavy Chinese investments‚ Zambia's Munali nickel mine is back in business.
Last year‚ with its previous owner‚ Australia's Albidon Ltd halting operations due to the global economic crisis‚ thousands of jobs were in jeopardy.
Recently‚ China's Jinchuan Group took over and invested 37 million dollars to reopen the mine.
With upgrades in equipment and increased number of employees‚ the new owner aims to raise annual output of nickel to 1.2 million tons by 2012.
There was a rising concern over the safety and wellbeing of employees under the new Chinese management‚ as many Zambians remember the 2005 Chambishi copper mine incident.
An explosives accident in the Chinese-owned copper mine resulted in 50 deaths.
And when employees held protests to demand compensation for injured co-workers‚ they were shot and wounded by their employers.
Reporter : danc@arirangtv.com
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