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(11)World News Roundup 9/7 - Day Edition

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(11)World News Roundup 9/7 - Day Edition
저작자 미상 (저작물 2267374 건)
KOGL 출처표시, 상업적, 비상업적 이용가능, 변형 등 2차적 저작물 작성 가능(새창열림)
The world's largest flying bird the Andean Condor is the subject of a new documentary.
Its home is in the majestic mountains of the Patagonia.
"The Path of the Condor" shows the birds in their natural habitat but the human star of the film is 30-year-old Martin Vallmitjana.
He's a paraglider who's been copying the condors' flying style in order to improve his own flying abilities.
Ornithologist Lorenzo Sympson who has been studying the condor for decades is also part of the project which is being directed by Christian Holler.
Holler wanted to bring Sympson and Vallmitjana together to explore the energy-efficient flying style of the condors.
Even with an average bodyweight of 14 kilograms the condor can remain in the air for hours without ever flapping its wings.
The paraglider is man's best way to copy this style of flying.
The lightweight canopy captures hot air radiated off the mountains as gliders must soar from surge to surge in order to stay flying.
The ancient Incas used to think that the condors flew the sun into the sky each day.
But in modern times the bird's future in being threatened by deforestation‚ pollution and hunting.
In Thailand one man has renovated his house to accommodate some special guests 4‚600 guests in the form of scorpions to be precise.
Suan Paunagsri has been breeding and selling scorpions to Thai restaurants for years and now he says it's time to atone for his past deeds.
He has stopped selling scorpions and makes a living crafting and selling small carvings.
But he was once a large supplier of one of Thailand's favorite snacks.
His two-story wooden house now has a 6 meter by 5 meter pen for the scorpions on the first floor.
Very little light shines through. and the area is decorated with tree branches and stone which creates the perfect temperatures for the scorpions.
The 38-year-old says he's purging himself of his sins specifically killing thousands of scorpions for a living.
Everyday he feeds his house guests a kilo of cicadas along with other live insects.
Then he spends an hour in mediation as the critters eat and crawl on the ground around him.
Though he's been stung many a time he says his body has built up a natural resistance to scorpion poisons.
In Tripoli hungry Ramadan fasters are milling around the city's sweets shops.
Renowned as Lebanon's 'sweets capital' Tripoli has long been luring tourists and locals alike to its shops with traditional sweets.
At one busy sweets shop throngs of shoppers crowded around huge trays of sweets as they waited for the end of the day's fast.
Popular desserts include basma‚ znoud znoud with walnuts or znoud with cream.
Most are available year-round but Tripoli bakers make special flavors especially for the month of Ramadan.
Some consist of a cream base while others incorporate melted cheese or nuts.
Most of the sweets are drizzled with a rose water flavored syrup.
Shoppers say that fasting often increases one's desire to buy sweets which makes that first sweet bite all the more satisfying.
Sean Lim‚ Arirang News.
Reporter : slim@arirangtv.com
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